From Donald Trump Jr. <[email protected]>
Subject My father is a political prisoner
Date June 1, 2024 4:19 PM
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What Biden and his minions are doing to my father is an absolute farce and anyone in America should be embarrassed by this disgusting miscarriage of justice.


This is setting a disastrous precedent for our legal system and for justice in America.

If they get away with doing this to President Trump, imagine what they can do to you…

STAND WITH TRUMP <[link removed]>

This is the greatest witch hunt of all time, and it wouldn’t be happening if the radical left Democrats thought they even had a chance to beat Trump fair and square.

The corrupt DC Swamp targets who they fear the most!

But with John on our side, we WILL win back the White House, and we WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

So please, on this dark day in our nation’s history, chip in and do what you can to END THE WITCH HUNTS once and for all. > <[link removed]>

Thank you,

<[link removed]>
Donald Trump Jr.

END THE WITCH HUNTS <[link removed]>


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