Photo Contest Winner Announced
The winner of our #StayAtHomeWithYourDogDay photo contest is Angela and her pup, Baylor! Congratulations, Baylor and Angela, and enjoy your swag bag!
Take a Stand Against Animal Cruelty
Last week, we kicked off our Anti-Cruelty Campaign to protect animals from suffering. Commit to speaking out for animal victims and sign our pledge to report animal cruelty when you see it.
Learn from the Experts in Animal Law
Animal Legal Defense Fund webinars are available to stream from the comfort of your home for free! Learn about how you can help dogs in puppy mills, laws surrounding the possession of big cats, captive aquatic animals, and so much more.
Support the Big Cat Public Safety Act in Style
Tell the world that you support the Big Cat Public Safety Act with our newest shirt! This critical bill would prohibit the private possession of big cats like lions and tigers. These animals belong in the wild—not your backyard.