We endorse Oye Owolewa for DC shadow representative and Ankit Jain for DC shadow senator
Here’s your roundup of this week’s must-read posts: We endorse Ankit Jain for shadow senator and Oye Owolewa for shadow representative; Live fast, die young, the Circulator did it well; Rapid transit should connect neighborhoods, not just downtown. Do Something this week and come explore Silver Spring with us. Plus, how express MARC service can help Maryland grow more equitably.
The Pride Parade is next Saturday! Come march with us.
Endorsements • May 30, 2024

Greater Greater Washington is endorsing Ankit Jain for shadow senator, and Oye Owolewa for shadow representative.
Dan Tangherlini (Contributor), Joe Sternlieb • May 28, 2024

At a time when bus service wasn’t thriving in the District, the Circulator was established with funds that had to be used by DC explicitly on bus. Key goals were to connect the National Mall to the soon-to-be-developed Southwest Waterfront, and to make bus appealing to a wider range of riders than before. 20 years later, its founders are ready to bid it a fond farewell (mostly). Read their reflections on the system’s history and aims.
John Gorman • May 30, 2024

In the wake of the Covid pandemic, public transit should follow people’s needs and shift away from the downtown-centric paradigm. That means creating rapid transit services to and from activity centers outside of the core. Here are a few windows of opportunity.
Dan Reed (Regional Policy Director), Alex Baca (DC Policy Director) • May 31, 2024

This week on Do Something: have you seen our endorsements for DC shadow seats; take pictures with us on Sunday; the trouble with teardowns in Montgomery County; and a win for affordable housing in Arlington.
Ari Rickman • May 29, 2024

Express trains between Baltimore and Washington, DC would cut the travel time between the cities in half, putting hundreds of thousands of jobs within reach for Baltimoreans and helping Washingtonians escape one of the most expensive housing markets in the country. The trains, the tracks they run on, and all the other necessary infrastructure already exist.