Dear Friend,
Social Justice is one of the 10 Key Green Values and the Illinois Greens need YOUR help!
As you may know, the Illinois Greens are in their Ballot Access Petitioning Season to be on the 2024 Illinois Ballot. The Illinois Green Party calls for a true government of, by and for the people. We need 125 people to bring a friend 2 times to public space petitioning events before June 20th to reach our 50,000 goal.
Just to note, Jill Stein is a placeholder on the Illinois petition and the Green Party of the United States convention is in August to finalize the Presidential nomination. This is OUR chance to be united with minority communities, the youth communities, those who want Healthcare for All, and the 63% of Americans who want a third-party. We can provide the voters in Illinois with an option but we must ALL work together.
Public space petitioning near Farmer's Markets, Pride Month Events, and other green-friendly community events are plentiful in Illinois. Public space petitioning events are continuously being updated at
Petitioner’s Update
Visit Ballot Access 2024 for an Update, even if you have the printed out forms.
The Ballot Access Coordinator can be reached at [email protected] for coordination, collection, and questions. Call/text 773-809-4547
A few events are below, more is on the website!
June 1 @ 12:00 - 1:00pm
Meets Monthly on the First Saturdays at Noon. More information is at:
June 1 - 2 - Various
Join Chibu and her team to petition for the Greens. Saturday, June 1 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Public Space Petitioning near Summer Concert Series at Hessel Park, Champaign, IL Sunday, June 2 1:00 pm Public Space Petitioning near The Muppet Movie 45th Anniversary at Phoenix Theater, Savoy, IL 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
June 1 @ 7:00 am - 1:00 pm
June 1 @ 8:00 am - June 2 @ 5:00 pm
June 1 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
June 1 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
June 1 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Public Space Petitioning at 47th Ward Eco Fest (Welles Park, Chicago)
June 1 @ 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
June 2 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Save the Dates
June 4th - Dr. Jill Stein is the Guest on the Illinois Green Party Series podcast
June 6th - 7th & 9th - Dr. Jill Stein Visits Illinois - Various Events
Events are Continuously Being Updated at the Events page.
#PartySuppressionIsVoterSuppression #FreePalestine #WeAreNotFreeUntilWeAreAllFree
Become a Member of or Donate to Illinois Green Party
747 Boughton Rd. #227 Bolingbrook, IL 60440
call/text 773-809-4547
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