April 14, 2020
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April 14, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

April 14, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? Test time, boys and girls. Hint...there is only one right answer -- if you don't get it right, you flunk! And so does America! I. Which person, foreign or American, predicted three years ago, in 2017, that President Trump would be challenged by a "surprise global disease outbreak"?... (more)

April 14, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? The Washington Post has been a joke for a long time, at least since the days when it won a Pulitzer Prize in 1981 for a story about a child heroin addict who turned out not to exist. The paper is now filled, on a daily basis, with poison pen "analysis," backed by phony "fact-checkers," criticizing almost anything President Trump says or does. Somehow, basic facts that may impact the coronavirus story, such as the federal record of failure in the development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine, escape mention.... (more)

April 14, 2020
YOUTUBE ? MIT's Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai says President Trump is "surrounded by sharks" who are not advising him well on the "science side" of the coronavirus outbreak.... (more)

April 14, 2020
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ? Almost two weeks ago I offered at NRO a few synopses of various theories about why California -- which, for a variety of reasons, had seemed so ripe for a New York--style epidemic -- had nonetheless strangely been exempt at least for a while from the virus's spread. I included the pedestrian possibility of some previously acquired "herd immunity," given the state's singular exposure from November to January 31 to direct flights from China, including those from Wuhan, and initial CDC and media reports last year of an unusually early and severe assumed flu hitting the state.... (more)

April 12, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Rep. Jim Jordan, R-OH, and Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-NY, discuss repopening the economy and Democrat's derailing additional funding. on 'The Ingraham Angle.'... (more)

April 12, 2020
THE BLAZE ? Alex Berenson is a former reporter who worked for the New York Times from 1999 to 2010 where he covered everything from the drug industry to Hurricane Katrina. After that stint he devoted himself to writing books full time. Last year, his project "Tell Your Children" was published, which deals with the science around cannabis and mental illness. But Berenson has again come into prominence amid the growing coronavirus pandemic, as he's been posting data analysis revealing a disturbing conclusion: The models that have dictated mass business closures -- and that have swiftly collapsed the American economy -- are deeply flawed.... (more)

April 12, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Housing & Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson told "The Story" Thursday that not enough public attention is being paid to "the number of people who have recovered" from coronavirus" -- which Carson said "is going to be about 98 percent of all the people who get it."... (more)

April 12, 2020
'Had they been more truthful, they might have actually been able to contain this'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, criticized the World Health Organization and the Chinese government on Sunday, saying that both stymied the global response to the novel coronavirus, likely allowing it to spread more dramatically across the globe.... (more)

April 12, 2020
ANDREW MCCARTHY ? 'An overreach by our police officers." Yeah, I'll say. "Overreach" was the concession that the police department in Brighton, Colo., grudgingly offered regarding their arrest of Matt Mooney, a 33-year-old former state trooper. Mooney was handcuffed in front of his six-year-old daughter. His "crime"? Playing tee-ball with her on an empty field. Cops on the scene capriciously decided that this transgressed the state's social-distancing restrictions.... (more)

April 12, 2020
YOUTUBE ? The answer isn't simple and the solution will likely be tailored to different communities across the country.... (more)

April 12, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Biden pivots to the left to win over Bernie Sanders supporters with promises of expanding Medicare and forgiving student loan debt. Reaction on "The Five."... (more)

April 12, 2020
'More believers in D.C. than at any other time in modern American history'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Members of President Trump's Cabinet who meet weekly to study the Bible now have an extra measure of empathy for the man who leads them each Wednesday morning.... (more)

April 12, 2020
West understood more clearly than anyone the allure of Communism for educated Westerners
NATIONAL REVIEW ? Bolshevism's appeal to Western intellectuals is a mystery we still struggle to explain. Why did artists who despised patriotism show a larger loyalty to Russian chauvinism? Why did writers defend a regime that repeatedly imprisoned, tortured, and killed writers? In short, why did intelligent people who lived in free countries worship at the altar of despotic states? Few thinkers studied this enigma more carefully than the British critic Rebecca West (1892--1983).... (more)

April 11, 2020
NEWSMAX ? An epic stage production of "JESUS," originally scheduled for national theater distribution, will now be presented as a free, special television broadcast over Easter weekend. More than one million people have experienced the live stage performance of "JESUS" at Sight & Sound's theater in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Now you can view the production on TV over Easter.... (more)

April 11, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? In an Oval Office address Friday, President Donald Trump called on Americans to pray for God to "heal our nation," before asking a clergy member to offer an Easter blessing. "On this Good Friday, Christians from all around the world remember the suffering and death upon the cross of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ," Trump began his remarks.... (more)

April 11, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Streaming services, virtual Easter egg hunts, and conversations with loved ones ordinarily held across the dinner tables that instead will rely on Zoom -- these are just a few of the ways Americans will be celebrating Easter weekend in a very different manner this year.... (more)

April 11, 2020
Criminal investigation of origins of Obama FBI's probe of Trump campaign
WORLDNETDAILY ? U.S. Attorney John Durham is compiling troubling evidence in his investigation of the origins of the Obama administrations counter-intelligence probe of the 2016 Trump campaign that goes beyond "mistakes," said Attorney General William Barr.... (more)

April 10, 2020
Retired Navy, Coast Guard veteran's thoughts on Trump's pandemic response
STEVE A. STONE ? Dear Mr. President, I'm writing to discuss observations and concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic response and other events that are material to the health and well-being of our nation today. I've watched intently as you and your COVID-19 Response Team have made various announcements on the progress of the disease, response actions taken, and planned responses. I find no specific fault in what has been done thus far. The CDC members have made considerations for pandemics in general as part of previous disaster response planning, and what they've done to date appears to be a sane and rational approach. But, that doesn't mean I have no criticisms. I do.... (more)

April 10, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? These are very trying times. There is an enemy out there at the microscopic level, wreaking all kinds of havoc in people's hearts and minds and lives. The economic consequences alone of the coronavirus could possibly be felt for years to come. The big problem in life, of course, is the threat of death. But the coronavirus is not going to cancel Easter -- though it may cancel our traditional celebrations of it. Easter hope defangs the threat of the coronavirus because Jesus has taken the sting out of death.... (more)

April 10, 2020
But recently adopted technology enables millions to 'gather'
ART MOORE ? For the first time in American history, the pews of thousands of church buildings across the nation will be empty on Easter Sunday. Streets have been strangely quiet this week in Jerusalem's Old City, where pilgrims at least since the fourth century have journeyed to remember the death of Jesus Christ and celebrate his resurrection during Holy Week. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre -- widely believed to be contain the sites where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected -- is closed along with most shops along the Old City's alleyways.... (more)

April 10, 2020
NEWSMAX ? An epic stage production of "JESUS," originally scheduled for national theater distribution, will now be presented as a free, special television broadcast over Easter weekend. More than one million people have experienced the live stage performance of "JESUS" at Sight & Sound's theater in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Now you can view the production on TV over Easter.... (more)

April 10, 2020
CHRISTIAN POST ? A Virginia pastor who became sick during a ministry trip to North Carolina in mid-March and tested positive for the new coronavirus shared the experience he had with severe and horrific symptoms of the COVID-19 disease and also with God as he cried out to Him for "a chance."... (more)

April 9, 2020
'What happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The Obama administration's counter-intelligence investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign was launched "without any basis," charged Attorney General William Barr in an interview to air Thursday night.... (more)

April 9, 2020
CONRAD BLACK ? The most inane of the many fatuous arguments raging over the administration's handling of the coronavirus is the debate about whether the Democrats distracted President Trump with the impeachment effort when he would otherwise have been raising the drawbridge earlier.... (more)

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