Good news for parents: Council drops controversial RSE policy

Dear supporter,

Parents have cause to celebrate today.

In January, we highlighted explicit content and a catalogue of errors in Warwickshire’s Relationships and Sex Education policy. We warned of possible legal action if they were not addressed. I am delighted to say the Council has now agreed to drop the whole ‘All About Me’ programme.


Read the coverage in The Daily Telegraph

Read what Warwickshire parents had to say in our press release


The Warwickshire policy – affecting more than 200 primary schools – was out of step with most other local education authorities. But parents around the country have grown increasingly concerned at inappropriate sex education being taught in lessons that are supposed to be about forming friendships and dealing with online bullying. This news will encourage them.

Lesson materials included some gratuitously graphic sexual images. They also told children that gender identity is "best understood as being on a spectrum", and that "transgender children have the right to use whichever toilet or changing room they feel most comfortable using".

We said this had no place in primary schools. Thankfully, the Council has now seen sense and dropped the programme "with immediate effect".

Many headteachers and governors will be equally pleased. Schools using these materials were at risk of breaching their legal obligations.

We give thanks to God for this wonderful turnaround, and pray that other councils and schools will take note.

Yours in Christ,
Colin Hart
Colin Hart
The Christian Institute