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Dear friend,

Lower-income countries are due to spend $40.6 billion on debt payments in 2020 alone. This is money that could be spent fighting coronavirus.

This week world leaders are meeting to discuss coronavirus and debt. Our Chancellor Rishi Sunak will be attending from the UK. He could have a huge impact by pushing for debt cancellation for countries that need it.

Will you tweet at the Chancellor to make sure he gets the message? 

Take Action

In Mali, the country has 20 ventilators for a population of 19 million. In Haiti, there are 64 ventilators to cover 11 million people. Kenya has 130 beds in intensive care units, for 50 million people. 

This week thousands of people around the world are going to be taking action. Can you join them?

If you're not on Twitter, don't worry you can also help via Facebook, by commenting on the Chancellor’s Facebook post.

Here's an example of what you can say:

Our NHS is vital, but many places have to choose between investing in health care or paying off debt. @RishiSunak if you pushed for debt cancellation at the #IMFMeetings and #WBGMeetings this week, this could free up $40.6bn to help developing countries fight #coronavirus #CancelTheDebt
Tell Rishi Sunak to #CancelTheDebt
During these tumultuous times, we need to keep up pressure to ensure that we are making an impact across the globe where it’s needed most.
Please share the campaign
From the whole team at Jubilee Debt Campaign we hope you and your loved ones are coping well in this crisis.

In solidarity,

Eva Watkinson
Head of Campaigns
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