From Andrea Guzman <>
Subject + John
Date June 1, 2024 3:07 AM
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Hi John — I just wanted to bump this email from Camille.

I drew the short straw and am staying up late calculating all of our last minute donations at CADEM HQ, and right now we are still $3,450.67 short.

I want to have a list of supporters who helped get us over the top, so I am sharing my personal ActBlue link below.

There’s so much on the line here in California. If you could pitch in a donation, we’d really appreciate it.

[link removed] [[link removed]]Gracias,

----- Forwarded message -----
From: Camille Alcala
Date: Fri, May 31, 2024 at 10:07am
Subject: A tough decision

Dear team,
I just got out of a meeting where our team at the California Democratic Party had to make a tough decision.
We just got word this past week that the GOP’s primary super PAC for House races is preparing to spend over $30,000,000 in our state to elect Republicans in swing districts.
We know that we have to respond to all this dark money with more grassroots organizing — but we don’t have that kind of cash in our back pocket.
Lots of donors have stepped up ahead of our End of Month deadline, but as of an hour ago, we are still $8,350.50 short of where we need to be.
So, we had to make a call:
(1) Will we accelerate our mobilization efforts in the hope that our grassroots supporters will help us close the budget gap?
(2) Or will we hold off, potentially letting Republican dark money overwhelm our candidates in critical, must-win seats?
We decided to keep growing our mobilization program at full speed.
But now we need to close this $8,350.50 gap and go into the last month of Q2 at full throttle.
That’s why I’m asking: Will you rush a contribution of $ or even $? I don’t ask lightly, but your generosity is going to flip the U.S. House from red to blue, and we can’t do it without you! [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $ >> [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $ >> [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $ >> [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $ >> [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $ >> [[link removed]]Thank you,
- Camille
Camille Alcala
Finance Director
California Democratic Party

DONATE » [[link removed]]
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