News from Representative Betty McCollum



May 31, 2024

Dear Fourth District Constituent,


The Rule of Law in Our Democracy


Yesterday, a jury of American citizens found Donald Trump guilty on all felony charges against him--34 counts relating to his coverup of hush money payments to influence the 2016 presidential election. This is the first time a former president has been convicted in a criminal trial, and it reaffirms that in our democracy no one is above the law.

It is beyond outrageous that MAGA Republicans, including sitting Members of Congress, are attacking the integrity of our judicial system because they don’t agree with the outcome of a fair trial. It is an act of everyday patriotism to serve on a jury, deliberate the evidence, and return a verdict based on the facts of the case and the law. Trial by jury is not a political act, and to suggest otherwise is dangerous and destabilizing to the rule of law.

I am also greatly concerned about the effect on the American public’s confidence in our judicial system from the flying of insurrectionist and election subversion symbols on Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s property. One was an upside-down American flag, while the other was an “appeal to heaven” flag. These flags were used by the insurrectionists who attacked our nation’s Capitol on January 6th, 2021, and they are still in use today by election deniers.

As a Supreme Court Justice, Mr. Alito has a unique responsibility to uphold the integrity of the Supreme Court by avoiding even the appearance of impartiality or association with political activity, as clearly stated in the “Code of Ethics” that the court unanimously approved last year. That is why on May 24th, I joined 49 of my colleagues in the House in signing a letter to Justice Alito calling for his recusal from any cases before the Supreme Court relating to the insurrection of January 6th, 2021, the results of the 2020 election, or Donald Trump himself. On May 29th, he responded to our letter and refused to recuse himself.


This is only the latest in a series of ethics controversies by Justice Alito and Justice Clarence Thomas, who have previously failed to disclose gifts and luxury travel from GOP megadonors and billionaires with business before the court. Congress should act now to pass the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act to hold our Supreme Court Justices accountable to an enforceable ethics code.



ImageEarlier this week I was honored to join the White Bear Lake VFW, American Legion Posts and Auxiliaries’ Memorial Day Service at Union Cemetery with Veterans, community members of all ages, in remembering those that made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. From the first Memorial Day observance at the close of the Civil War, to the heartfelt ceremonies that take place in every community across America, we solemnly remember those gave their last full measure.


Their ultimate sacrifice will not be forgotten. We owe them our freedom and liberty.

As the Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, I am committed to ensuring that our armed forces have the critical resources needed to complete their mission and return home.


Biomade National Conference


ImageI am excited that Minnesota is going to be one of BioMADE’s national initiative sites. This will be part of a network to build out our nation’s biomanufacturing capabilities - all with the goal of creating a cleaner, greener economy that will help to achieve our carbon reduction goals and establish supply chains critical to our economy and national security.


Minnesota has generations of rich expertise in the agricultural sector, and that’s why there is no better place in the nation to lead on building a strong bioeconomy than here in Minnesota.

In my role on the Appropriations Committee in the last Congress, I secured the resources to make this happen. On Thursday, I spoke at BioMADE’s national conference which took place in Minneapolis.  We discussed workforce, from advanced engineering to skilled labor and farming.  I look forward to my continued work with Governor Walz and Minnesota’s legislative leaders to move Minnesota forward.


In Honor and Remembrance of Officer Jamal Mitchell


It is with heavy hearts that we mourn another Minnesota first responder who has been killed in the line of duty this year. We honor the bravery of Minneapolis Police Officer Jamal Mitchell and his sacrifice for his community, and extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends. Those who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe and faithfully serve their communities deserve our respect and our gratitude. I join Governor Walz in committing to stand against these violent attacks on our public safety officers.

Stay in touch: Voice 
your policy opinion, ask for help with a federal agency, or find all of my recent statements at

As always, thank you for being an informed and engaged constituent. 





Betty McCollum
Member of Congress


Washington D.C. Office
2426 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6631
St. Paul Office
661 LaSalle St. Suite #110
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
Phone: (651) 224-9191
Fax: (651) 224-3056


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