Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Hey friend,

It’s Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes. If you haven’t heard by now, a sham committee has released an “investigative” report that says the Arizona Legislature should “impeach” me.

Can you believe this ridiculousness?

I’m not going to stop fighting for Arizonans, no matter what they threaten me with. Lawsuits, attacks, “impeachment” – I won’t change a thing. 

If you support my work as Attorney General, will you please make a donation to my campaign right now to fight this latest ridiculous attack?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through to the Arizona Democratic Party and Kris Mayes immediately:

It’s clear I’m the top threat to extremism in Arizona, and because of that, they want to remove me from office. They’ve tried lawsuits, and they continue to lose. They try attacking me and the public sees right through it.

Now, they want to “impeach” me to remove me from office. The use of quotation marks is intentional, because this is a sham and a joke. It makes people doubt real investigations and it damages the reputation of the legislature.

I’m not going to stop fighting for your rights, fighting to protect democracy, and fighting for you, period. They can threaten whatever they want.

If you want to help my campaign fight back against this latest attack of threatened impeachment, will you donate to the campaign right now?


I appreciate your support of me. I’ll always fight for you.

— Kris Mayes