Let’s Tax Big Business to Build Affordable Social Housing in Seattle!

Join us to talk to voters about taxing big business to build affordable, social housing and gather signatures to get I-137 on the ballot.

**Saturday, June 1, 1 - 4pm**

I-137 & Shaun Scott Dual Tabling:
Capitol Hill Edition
Meet at Volunteer Park



No experience required, training will be provided on site and you will be paired with experienced volunteers!

What is I-137?


No School Closures!

Tax the Rich & Big Business! 

Seattle Public Schools Community Mtg

Chief Sealth High School (2600 SW Thistle St)

Tomorrow, Sat June 1

10:30am - 12Noon


This month Seattle Public Schools announced plans to close 20 Elementary schools starting in the 2025 school year. In one of the richest cities in the US, home to billionaires and some of the most profitable corporations in the world, this is an unacceptable and an unconscionable attack on public education and our communities. Recently, the Seattle City Council gave Seattle Police a 23% raise and back pay from cuts made during the 2020 Black Lives Matter Uprising to the tune of over $100,000,000! If they can find money for the police - they can certainly raise money to help fund education! 

This is an urgent action - its no accident they are announcing the closures right before summer break - they hope to quietly close down our schools with little resistance. We'll be attending the Seattle Public Schools community meeting to call for no school closures and to instead tax the rich and Big Business to fund education!  No school closures - smaller class sizes! We’ll be there to talk with other parents and educators and offering posters calling for no school closures! that they can hold up at the meeting or have for later use in their lives. Join us!