April 15, 2020 – 350 Eastside – ZOOM, 7:00 PM
Join us for a virtual presentation by Sara Papanikolaou on her recent trip to Nepal as part of her graduate program, studying climate adaptation. Sara will share what she learned about how Nepal is building climate resilience and how climate change is affecting the region; this will be followed by time for questions and discussion.
You will also have the opportunity to hear about Seattle Mutual Aid: Neighborhood Pods! With a brief overview from the Eastside Pod Captain, Neal Anderson.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 127 165 066
Password: 823326
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Not All Washingtonians Are Getting Enough to Eat
WA Food Fund is raising money to provide food and supplies for those in need during the COVID-19 crisis, including the elderly, people who struggle with health issues or have lost their jobs, and children who normally rely on school for meals.
Our neighbors are going hungry during this crisis and we can help.
We need to act now to ensure that everyone in Washington has enough to eat. Every dollar donated helps provide meals for a child or family in need. An estimated 1.6 million Washingtonians are at risk of not having enough food to eat. That is double the number of people than before the virus outbreak. That number may continue to rise as hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians struggle with joblessness and limited resources.
As demand is soaring, donations to food banks are down by 70 percent.
We are calling on everyone to contribute what they can to the fund. Together, we can help keep food on everyone’s table across the state.
“By coming together and contributing to this fund, we can meet this crushing demand across the state and help our neighbors and their families put a meal on the table” - Governor Jay Inslee
What is the WA Food Fund?
WA Food Fund is a relief fund that supports food banks and pantries across the state so they can maintain their food supply. Our statewide food supply chain remains steady, and deliveries to grocery stores continue uninterrupted. There is enough food across the state of Washington, but it’s not getting onto the tables of those in need.
Three Washington-based organizations working on the frontlines of food insecurity — Food Lifeline, Northwest Harvest and Second Harvest — will use these funds to distribute food to hundreds of food banks across the state from our cities to our most rural communities.
Support the WA Food Fund
Your donation can make a difference. Even a few dollars can help put food on every table in Washington. Together, we can help feed every family. Donate
Yes to EKC PUD – Webinar, Saturday April 18th, 7:00 PM
Zoom webinar We will be offering a public Zoom webinar on Saturday, April 18, at 7pm to cover basic information about the PUD proposal, our campaign, and how people can get involved. Please spread the word among your friends, family, and neighbors.
Here is the call-in information:
Join Zoom Meeting - https://zoom.us/j/300873327 Meeting ID: 300 873 327
Petition to allow digital signatures and/or reduced signature requirements this year We are joining other petition gatherers around the state in asking our elected officials to make allowances for the exceptional times in which we find ourselves.
Please copy and paste the following into an email or draft something in your own words and send it to [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] with the subject line “Protect Democractic Rights During the Pandemic”. Please also send it to Gov Inslee by visiting https://www.governor.wa.gov/contact/contact/send-gov-inslee-e-message.
Finally, please share this message with your email contacts. Thanks for your help!
How to Save the Earth from Your Couch: Sunday, April 19, 1:00-2:30 PM
April 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, the first major global climate action event. At East Shore Unitarian Church on Earth Day Sunday, April 19, the Earth & Climate Action Ministry team is presenting a short and fun set of ZOOM workshops at 1:00 pm on “How You Can Save the Earth from Your Couch”
Hear and see:
Ann Fletcher: Recycle and Re-Use - tips and tricks
Amanda Strombom: Food: Our Choices Matter
Marilyn Mayers: Amplify Your Impact through Community Action!
John Chmaj: Let’s Make the Climate and Climate Action Cool Again!
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/8735154944
or use Meeting ID: 873 515 4944.
Hope to 'see' you there!
East Shore Earth & Climate Action Ministry
Earth Day Live, April 22, 23 &24 - registration link below
This 50th anniversary of Earth Day marks a turning point. We can continue with business as usual, or we can join together to rebuild our economy to protect everyday working people from the COVID-19 crisis and the coming climate emergency. As Congress discusses future relief and response plans to COVID-19, we join the calls for a People's Bailout -- a platform that would give relief to people and communities, instead of a blank check to corporate polluters, who perpetuate income inequality and climate change.
For Earth Day Live, we'll demand that Congress and major corporations put forward bold policies that will create a stronger democracy and chart a path to a more equitable, clean energy economy that can help lead us out of this crisis. Join the call to take action and make your voice heard in real time with thousands of other participants. Together our voices are powerful.
Each of the three days has a focus:
· Day 1 - April 22: We refuse to cooperate with business as usual where corporate power overshadows the health of our communities and our planet.
· Day 2 - April 23: We call for a divestment from fossil fuels. The Stop The Money Pipeline coalition will lead us in calling out Wall Street and financial institutions for their fossil fuel profiteering that further fuels the climate crisis.
· Day 3 - April 24: We commit to voting in November. We fight for a stronger democracy where everyone has access to the ballot box in order to elect people at all levels of government to lead us to a better future.
Earth Day Live will provide a platform that amplifies the voices and messages of local and frontline communities in the fight for a healthier and more livable future. We will be joined by musicians and celebrities, thought leaders and movement activists. All you need is an internet connection. Join us!
Mark your calendars now and sign up for updates! Earth Day Live: Three days of online livestream -- Wednesday, April 22 through Friday, April 24, 2020 for the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.
Cities Climate Action Zoom Webinar: Focus on Buildings, May 2nd
9:30 – 11:00 AM PDT. Additional Q&A time: 11:00 – 11:30 AM PDT
Sign up here
Buildings have a big impact on climate, and cities can shrink that impact. Find out how at this event!
Did you know that in our nation, buildings:
· are responsible for over 40% of our energy consumption
· use over 75% of the power on the electrical grid, and
· account for over a third of all greenhouse gas emissions?
Join us to hear Vincent Martinez and Erin McDade, national leaders in this field, describe the work that their organization, Architecture 2030, has done with a few U.S. cities to address the buildings emissions challenge through public policies. They will share some commonalities among cities that they have observed.
Before their presentations, we will be joined by Bellevue City Council Member Janice Zahn, who will frame the important role of our local cities. Then we will hear some specific details on how the energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of buildings can be significantly reduced. We will also hear a report from the City of Bellingham’s Climate Action Task Force on policy actions their city is taking to reduce the impacts of buildings. Finally, from 11:00-11:30 am, we’ll wrap up with Q & A.
Right now, as this pandemic sweeps our country, thousands of us are out of school and work, stuck at home. But instead of getting trapped, we're seizing this moment to become the leaders we need.
Join us at Sunrise School: an online community where we're building the skills and power we need to confront the crises we currently face. At Sunrise School, you can:
- Build connections with other young people who are freaked out about climate change, the coronavirus, and the state of our world.
- Learn about the crises gripping our society and how to confront them.
- Take action online and with small groups of others in your area while social distancing.
Stay home, stay safe, and be well!
Emily, Marilyn, Sara, Bonnie, Phil, Lynn & Lin