Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

Seattle DSA April General Membership Meeting

Tuesday, 4/14, 7pm

Join Seattle DSA for our April General Membership Meeting where we’ll be joined by guest DSA member Eric Blanc, author of Red State Revolt and Bernie Sanders surrogate. Eric will share about how workers are organizing in this moment of crisis, including the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee, a joint project of DSA and the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. We’ll also hear from other DSA members organizing in their workplaces, buildings, and communities, with space to discuss the role Seattle DSA can play to build working class power during this crisis.

If you are looking for ways to get involved in Seattle DSA's COVID-19 response, including workplace organizing, tenant organizing, fighting for a rent moratorium, Tax Amazon, and mutual aid - join us Tuesday to learn more!

Please see the full agenda here:

The meeting will take place via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 369 540 336
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