Minnesota Senator Glenn Gruenhagen banner image

Friends and neighbors, 


Like you, I was not at all surprised to see DFL Chair Ken Martin finally call for Sen. Nicole Mitchell's resignation now that the 2024 legislative session has concluded. 


This is exactly what we expected from the power-hungry Democrats all along. They knowingly kept an alleged criminal around solely to ram through their extreme partisan agenda. Senator Mitchell's deciding vote was too valuable for them to act with any shred of integrity or principle. Now that they got what they wanted, suddenly they're ready to display their fake ethics. 


I'm not surprised in the least by their utter lack of principle. The Democrats have demonstrated repeatedly that raw political power is all that matters to them. Integrity, honesty, and doing what's right for Minnesotans mean nothing compared to their cynical pursuit of a partisan agenda at all costs. It's a disgusting abuse of power. 


This entire episode has been a shameless display of corruption and the destructive effects of their one-party rule in St. Paul. The Democrats happily compromised every last moral fiber they had left to protect their power. 


When will Democrats learn that undermining our institutions and eroding the public's trust leads nowhere good? This selfish power play in service of an extreme agenda is precisely why Minnesotans are fed up with Democrats’ one-party rule. 


If you have any questions, please reach out.  


God Bless, 



Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2417
St. Paul, MN 55155
