Wendy Davis believes that not even a global pandemic should hinder the ability to get an abortion.
After a court upheld Gov. Abbott's move to block abortions during the Coronavirus lockdown, Davis called it "outrageous and unconscionable."
That's today's Democratic Party. Abortion on demand. Open borders. Endless spending. Government control. A full-on assault of our constitutional liberties.
They have to be stopped. They have to be defeated at every level.
We can beat them with your help. We can't let pro-abortion politicians gain a foothold in Texas. It cuts directly against our core values.
Wendy Davis has out-raised us all three quarters she has been in this race. That's because she's a national abortion celebrity who made her name literally standing for 13 hours to defend late-term abortion -- the most gruesome, barbaric practice you can imagine.
So money has come flooding into her campaign from liberal elites in Hollywood, Manhattan, San Francisco and elsewhere. In fact, on just her second day in the race, Wendy Davis held a fundraiser in Washington with Nancy Pelosi.
To all the patriots across TX-21, our state and America -- make no mistake, Wendy Davis would be a radical, liberal rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi.
Well I've got news for Nancy Pelosi and Wendy Davis. I'll never stop fighting for the unborn. We proudly stand with moms, dads, and people all across the district, state, and country who believe that the lives of the most innocent amongst us deserve to be protected.
We want you to know that if you're hurting in any way from the COVID-19 pandemic, we completely understand if you're not able to help our campaign financially. We're continuing to lift you and your family up in prayer through this difficult time. You can find helpful resources here.