Mises Institute
Friday, May 31, 2024
Don’t Listen to the Elites: Trump’s Conviction Is NOT a “Victory” for the Rule of Law
William L. Anderson
In a verdict that surprised no one, Manhattan Democrats have found Donald Trump guilty in the convoluted "hush money" trial. Most likely, the verdict will be overturned on appeal, but in the meantime the US has become a banana republic.
Switzerland Still Cherishes its Traditional Neutrality
Mihai Macovei
Switzerland has been a neutral country for about five hundred years. For almost two centuries, Sweden also successfully maintained military neutrality and developed a reputation as an objective negotiator in international conflicts, but since the early 2000s has changed its position, to its own detriment.
What Exactly Happened at the Libertarian Convention?
Ryan and Tho are joined by Mises Apprentice Liam McCollum.
The Bureaucrat as a Voter
The bureaucrat is in a peculiar position: he is both employer and employee.
We Oppose the State, its Socialism, and its Wars
In spite of what some critics seem to think, it's not our job to run articles promoting despotism and war in the name of "balance" or "debate." Our only mission is to promote Austrian Economics, freedom, and peace.
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“Fallout” through a Liberty Lens
Fallout, the dystopian series on Amazon Prime, hardly is free market in its caricature of business. However, the show lends itself to being analyzed through the lens of Austrian Economics.
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US Arms Sales Are a Clear and Present Danger
The US government’s recent arms sale to Israel is a reminder that arms sales have become a significant part of US foreign policy, as well as a major source of instability around the world.
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The Military-Industrial Complex
The military-industrial complex made America the de facto arms dealer for the world.
How Inflation Destroys Civilization
Inflation doesn’t only make us poorer. It harms our culture, mental well-being, and the moral foundations of civilization itself.
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