Fellow Republicans,

119 days until early voting begins at the office of your election authority and temporary locations designated by the election authority. Take the pledge to Bank Your Vote

Thank you Illinois Republicans across the Land of Lincoln for joining us at our state convention. We especially wanted to thank all our volunteers who dedicated their time, energy, and treasure to ensure a smooth convention.  We also wanted to applaud our state convention committee volunteers from all 17 congressional districts for their service. Thank you to members of the Arrangements, Credentials, Rules and  Procedures, At-Large Delegates and Alternates, National Committeeman and Committeewoman, Presidential Electors, and Platform and Resolutions. Thank you especially to members of the Platform and Resolutions committee for the countless hours spent drafting and putting it all together.   You can find an electronic copy of the Platform and Resolutions here

Thank you to Richard Porter and Demetra DeMonte for all of your hard work as Illinois’ RNC Representatives! As RNC National Committeeman and Committeewoman, Richard and Demetra were highly respected RNC leaders as they took on leadership positions at the national level, helped secure high profile speakers for our fundraising efforts, and brought national prestige to Illinois instead of being treated as a flyover state.  We thank Richard and Demetra for all their leadership and efforts over the years as they finish out their terms this year. We are excited to welcome Rhonda Belford and Dean White as our new representatives!

Congratulations again  to Rhonda Belford and Dean White. Rhonda Belford currently serves as the Chairman of the Hardin County Republican Central Committee, and has proudly served as the Southern Regional Vice President for the RCCA and The Deputy Central Committeewoman for the Illinois Republican Party for the 15th Congressional District. After its redistricting, Belford was elected to serve the 12th Congressional District as its First State Central Committeewoman for the New District at the County Conventions held in July, 2022. By August 30th of 2022 Belford was proud to be Elected as the First Woman President of the Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association. Read more about Rhonda here. 

Dean White is currently a State Central Committeeman for the Republican Party, representing the 8th Congressional District. As State Central Committeeman, Dean White is dedicated to strengthening the foundation between grassroots and the State Party in Kane County and his congressional district. White has brought his expertise from his business, as CEO of Peerless Fence based in St. Charles. As President and Chairman, he has managed over 170 employees, 70 contractors, and 60 sales staff with 11 locations in 5 states. Read more about Dean here 

See more highlights from our state convention below 

2024 Illinois State Convention - RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump

We examined the voting records of all of the commissioned Republican election judges in the City of Chicago and in suburban Cook County. It is apparent that far too many Republican election judges actually have a history of voting in Democratic primaries. We simply must do a better job of filling our Republican election judge positions with actual Republicans. If we do not fill these positions, the Democrats will. I encourage any Republican who lives in Cook County to take the extra step in participating in the electoral process by becoming an election judge. Sign up to be an election judge!

Calling all Republicans, Conservatives, and Patriots. We need all eyes on the ballot! Election judges serve a crucial role in ensuring fair and transparent elections. We need all eyes on the ballot and encourage all Illinois Republicans to sign up here. We encourage all your friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues to serve as election judges for the general election! We also will have a heavy emphasis on more election integrity training over zoom and in person to better educate voters on the process, as well as gauge interest to serve as election judges or poll watchers. The overall goal of our election integrity efforts is to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. Sign up to be an election judge or poll watcher in your county!

To find out how you can help save Illinois, go to the Illinois Election Integrity Program website at ieip.org. Volunteer for as little or as much as you are able! Volunteers can help by joining the Illinois Election Integrity Program. In case you have recently moved or just wish to check your registration status go to https://ova.elections.il.gov/RegistrationLookup.aspx to make sure that your voter registration is up to date ahead of the crucial 2024 election cycle. Please reach out to CJ, our Election Integrity Director for further assistance.

What will end first—session in Springfield or the GOP Convention?—Smoke-Filled Room—Episode 54

Democrat America has declared war on Donald Trump

Branding Trump a felon will tear the country in two. Republicans can no longer place trust in their courts

by Richard Porter 

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.  

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first.

The hyperbole of hate Democrats rain down on Trump and his supporters has been so pervasive and over-the-top that it was swiftly dubbed Trump Derangement Syndrome. So, now all those suffering from this condition have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon! 

Can’t you hear the exclamations of joy and relief? This proves what I have been saying all along! Democrats miss the point: once again they have demonstrated how corrupt official has become. This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do.

Our border security agency waves through immigrants entering the country illegally who are officially asylum seekers, but won’t let in the Afghans who risked their lives fighting with our soldiers. Our justice system is more worried about criminals – now officially “justice impacted individuals” in Illinois – than community safety. Our education bureaucracy tasked with protecting women from discrimination in sports bows to gender ideology, and other anti-discrimination bureaucrats institutionalise discrimination by decreeing that white men are officially oppressors and everyone else is oppressed. Schools were moved to “remote learning”, and masks and social distancing were all officially required. 

The list goes on and on: officialdom does not serve the people, it rules over them. Official has become a synonym for elite, irrational, and out of touch. The America First movement is a populist crusade to remake officialdom and reorient governments back to serving the people.  

Now, the leader of this movement, Donald J. Trump, has now been declared officially guilty in a trial that never should have proceeded in the first instance, a trial that itself has become a symbol of institutional corruption and a rallying cry for reform. 

Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters. 

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.   

This was a legal proceeding in form, but not substance. The result was pretty much a foregone conclusion, but for the ultimately vain hope that one or more of the jurors would not play his or her assigned role in the charade.  

It’s likely that Trump will win his appeal of this conviction, which will officially be rendered well after the election has occurred – because appellate judges have a greater institutional interest in maintaining New York’s standing as a commercial center operating under the rule of law.  

But, this will come long after Trump wins his unofficial appeal to the American people in November, and will be but a footnote on this appalling spectacle of institutional failure. 

Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed.    

Bank Your Vote

Chairman's Satire: 


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