Your support helps us reach our fundraising goals

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

I announced my re-election campaign last month and hit the ground running — because when you’re fighting for policies that put people first, there’s no time to stop.

This re-election campaign is focused on fighting to protect our fundamental rights and strengthen our democracy at a time when extremists are focused on silencing our voices and votes.

Here’s a few reasons why your contribution to my re-election campaign is so important right now:

That’s why I’m personally asking if you can make a donation today. Hitting our fundraising goals now can determine how many voters we'll be able to reach and turn out for the 2024 election, and it ensures we can fight back against known threats and the possible threats to come. A gift of $25 or more will help us stay on track — can you please pitch in today?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Your crucial support also helps me fight in Washington for the issues you care about most. I’ve introduced legislation like the Mamas First Act to address the maternal mortality crisis, a bill to codify DEI across the federal government, and have thrown my support behind creating baby bonds, to help families break the cycle of poverty.

When you give to this campaign, you help me deliver for workers and families — in my beloved district and across the country. So as we approach this important end-of-month deadline, let me know if I can count on your support today. We’re in this fight together.

Yours in service,
