Hey team, it's Ilhan.

I'm emailing this morning to ask you to make a contribution to my campaign before our end-of-month fundraising deadline at midnight tonight. And I'm hoping that before I ask, you'll give me a chance to explain why this request is so important.

Here's the truth:

Serving Minnesota's 5th district as a member of Congress and going to work fighting for working people every day is truly one of the joys of my life. It's a privilege and an honor that I have never taken for granted.

But if I had to answer what the worst part of this job is, it is without a doubt, the obscene amount of money it takes to run a successful campaign.

That's because rather than taking checks from corporate PACs or industry lobbyists like many of my colleagues, I believe in people power. I believe that so long as we're all in this together, lots and lots of people chipping in what they can is more powerful than anything our opponents can throw at us.

That belief is what our entire campaign is about — building a grassroots movement of people all across the country and standing in solidarity to fight for the kind of future we know we all deserve.

It's about fighting for a future where we combat the climate crisis and create a healthy and sustainable planet instead of boosting bonuses for fossil fuel CEOs.

It's about fighting for a future where Americans can see a doctor and get the medical treatment they need without being driven into bankruptcy and financial ruin.

It's about fighting for a future where working people can build power and exercise their right to organize in a time of record-breaking corporate profits.

It's about fighting for a future where our taxpayer dollars go towards promoting peace and justice around the world rather than funding endless wars and apartheid.

It's about showing the wealthy and powerful that our progressive movement is strong, that we're not going anywhere, and that we're going to fight back against their attacks every step of the way.

It's about all this and so much more — which is why our opponents are working so hard to defeat us. Right-wing super PACs and their donors are already targeting progressives nationwide, and the reality is that it's going to take an incredible amount of grassroots support to continue our fight.

So here's the part where I ask:

Please. If you can, will you make your first contribution — of $3 or any amount — to our re-election campaign before tonight's deadline? This campaign is funded by lots of people giving small amounts at a time, so every dollar makes a difference.

Tonight's deadline marks 73 days out from our primary in August. It's coming up faster than you might think. And it's the resources we raise and the investments we make right now that'll make all the difference.

That's why your support today is so important. Thank you for reading, and thank you in advance for chipping in if you can.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033