By reporting on these policies before politicians can spin the story to fit their agenda, we here at Shift WA offer our readers insight into what’s really going on in their state.
Shift Washington



With the 2024 elections are well underway, we wanted to remind you of the simple truth that elections matter – and so does what you read. 


We here at Shift WA understand the importance of voters being well-informed about the policies that could shape our future. We value your trust in us to bring you that information. It’s our goal to provide coverage of politics in our state that voters will not get from mainstream media outlets.


Over the years, we’ve shed light on critical policy developments long before mainstream news outlets bothered to report on them. We informed you about the Democrats' plan to implement the long-term care tax before its passage in 2020. We also worked to ensure early coverage of the Democrats' cap-and-tax scheme and their intentions to increase the gas tax. Now voters will have an opportunity to have their say on both these policies – and we’re continuing our coverage.


In November, voters will have an opportunity to repeal the burdensome cap-and-tax AND ensure an opt-out option for the long-term care tax. This election cycle, we are committed to watching these initiatives, and keeping you informed on the latest developments from the campaigns. But we need your help.


Our end-of-month deadline is TONIGHT, and we are behind on our fundraising goal. We need your support today.


Your contribution of $100, $50, or $25 will go a long way in making up the difference. Will you consider helping today?


Thank you,


The Shift WA Team