![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, As I’ve shouted from the rooftops since this whole coronacrisis panic began, the authoritarians, Big Government statists, and global elites would lock arms in dire predictions, and drag the country off a cliff. All so they could seize more control over you and me and have an excuse for the stock market roller coaster and funneling massive amounts of OUR wealth to their politically well-connected cronies. The public face of it all of course -- Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci and his cabal of authoritarian bureaucrats have been wrong about coronavirus all along! It’s painfully obvious they blew things way out of proportion, but the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” and the media elite continue to blindly accept Dr. Fauci and his ilk’s fraudulent predictions. And those fraudulent predictions seem to be the excuse government goons need to seize total control over the people. That’s why last week, I urged President Trump to fire Dr. Fauci. Fellow Patriot, I’m worried my calls to FIRE FAUCI will go unheeded unless I can count on your action -- and your IMMEDIATE support -- today.So, I’m asking you personally, won’t you please sign your FIRE FAUCI Directive at once? As you’ll see, this directive insists President Trump reject the path authoritarian bureaucrats like Fauci have plotted for America, and instead, embrace the principles of liberty which have brought us through peril time and time again. The truth is, the extremes authoritarians are taking to enforce “social distancing” are unnecessary. But Fauci and his ilk insist we must turn the country into a virtual police state and become a de facto socialist nation! Already, we’ve seen local-level politicians attempt to shut down gun stores, government restrictions (made by decree) on travel, the shuttering of businesses deemed “non-essential,” and effectively prohibiting religious gatherings. Now, authorities are ratcheting up enforcement by conducting warrantless "compliance checks" and issuing fines to citizens who dare leave their homes for such dangerous actions as watching a sunset. But it hasn’t stopped there. . . Cell phone tracking, drones over American cities to enforce lockdowns, government goons snooping through your private health records -- the Justice Department is even seeking authority for INDEFINITE DETENTION of American citizens without trial -- this is all becoming reality. To top it all off, Dr. Fauci and his pals like Bill Gates are plotting mandatory vaccines, testing, and requiring citizens to carry “IMMUNITY CARDS” determining who is and who isn’t allowed to exercise their liberties! That’s where all this is headed if Dr. Fauci and his cohorts get their way -- a country where we only have liberties if we get the proper government stamp! America is doomed if elected officials continue listening to these people. We’ve got to make it 100% clear -- coronavirus DOES NOT give them license to trample our liberties. That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your FIRE FAUCI Directive to President Trump, insisting he reject the path authoritarian bureaucrats like Fauci have plotted and instead embrace the principles of liberty. I know with many folks hit hard during the coronavirus panic and the accompanying stock market rollercoaster that may be a lot to ask. With everything that’s going on right now, the stakes are higher for the Liberty Movement than ever before. Campaign for Liberty is really stretching our budget to help halt the loss of liberty you and I are facing. So for those who can step up, I have to ask more of you. I’m counting on you to rise to the occasion. Please act at once. For Liberty,![]() Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman |