Welcome to the April edition of the Team Bubser Newsletter!

In these challenging times I am more grateful than ever to have the support and encouragement of so many of our readers. I hope everyone is staying safe and checking in on their friends and family. In that vein, below are many resources that I hope may be useful to you in the following weeks and months.

If you live in San Bernardino County, this dashboard is an excellent tool to track the spread of COVID-19 in our community.

If you live in Inyo or Mono, follow these links for local updates:

As we continue to see record unemployment claims as many of our family members are unable to work or are laid off in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, I worry about the condition of our community. And I know with so many jobs lost, many will also lose their health insurance.

The first thing on my mind is the safety and wellness of the countless individuals I have met up and down this district who are facing a myriad of new challenges. In Congress, I will be a staunch advocate for paid sick leave, expanded access to testing for medicare and medicaid recipients, and increased unemployment benefits. It is my top priority to examine the holes in our healthcare system that allowed for such a tragedy to occur in our country in the first place.

In the meantime, I want to make sure that every constituent in CA-08 has access to the systems of support that are currently available.

If you are a small-business owner or are self-employed, you can learn more about small business loans and the Paycheck Protection Program here >>

Learn how to file for unemployment benefits here >>

To find out if you are eligible for a stimulus check, discover how and when you will receive it, and ensure the government has enough information to provide assistance to you quickly, follow this link:

If you are a family with school aged children, read more about a program providing free internet access here:

Team Bubser Roundtable Series

While we are home, Team Bubser has launched a roundtable series to stay in touch with all of our incredible volunteers, expand our reach, and encourage thoughtful discussion about public policy.

I have had an incredible time participating in our recent Veterans Roundtable and Healthcare Townhall and I look forward to continuing these conversations.

Next on the docket we have an Outdoor & Recreation Roundtable on Tuesday, April 14th and an Educators Roundtable on Thursday, April 16th. Sign up below and make sure to save the date for our upcoming Earth Day Town Hall on Wednesday, April 22nd.

Outdoor & Recreation Business
RSVP: https://actionnetwork.org/events/outdoor/

RSVP: https://actionnetwork.org/events/educators/

Volunteer from Home

If you can, please consider ways in which you can help spread the word about our campaign from home. One way that is particularly helpful is to host a “Virtual Coffee”. Do you have a book club, church group, large family, or friendly neighborhood that you would be willing to introduce me to? The more people I can video chat with while we are taking a break from in-person door knocking and community events the better!

Learn more about our Virtual Coffee program here:

Additionally, we have purchased a large order of post-carding materials but they are going quick! To sign up to receive a postcarding packet or learn how you can postcard with your own materials at home follow this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUzYgVBszsXjyuAuGF_tDrjcFdZmwsLqrvQXAdxW1HH9Sozg/viewform

Lastly, we are in the process of converting our phone banking program into a “wellness checks program” that will allow volunteers to check in with senior citizens in our community and steer them towards community resources available to them. Stay tuned for more information, but if you are interested go ahead and reply to this email!

I couldn’t have made it through the primary without you all and I know we are going to come out on the other side of this stronger. Thanks again for the undying support and know that if you ever need anything that you can reach out to me or my team. Thinking of you all. Onward to November!

Keep safe,

Chris (and family)



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Paid for by Chris Bubser for Congress

Chris Bubser for Congress
P.O. Box 3702
Victorville CA 92393 United States