
As the coronavirus continues to affect every aspect of our daily lives, we cannot forget about rural Montana. This fight is personal for me.

You see, the coronavirus uniquely affects rural communities, because we lack internet access, grocery stores, health care facilities, and are at greater risk of closing businesses.

About 19 million Americans, including nearly 12 million children, don’t have access to reliable internet. That’s completely unacceptable -- especially in a pandemic.

Students should be able to easily take online courses without falling behind, employees who can work remotely need access to broadband, and folks in hard to reach areas need to be able to depend on the internet for telehealth programs.

I will always fight for rural Montana, which is why I’ve introduced the Keeping Critical Connections Act to fund $2 billion worth of internet access to rural communities.

Sign your name next to mine to demand Congress prioritize rural communities and pass this act. This fight is personal for me.


Making sure rural communities have the resources they need can be the difference between life and death for thousands of families across the country.

Thanks for signing on,
