
Even during this pandemic, we’re able to count on our grocery stores stocked with produce like greens, fruit, and milk because of the hard work of farmworkers.

Farmworkers are essential frontline workers, making sure food gets to our tables and grocery store shelves are stocked. Yet, farmworkers earn an average of just $11,000 a year. They’re often paid by the bucket, and in some cases, can make as little as 40 cents per bucket of produce like tomatoes or sweet potatoes.

So why the heck are Sonny Perdue and the Trump administration trying to cut the pay of 250,000 farmworkers in the middle of this pandemic?

This move is short-sighted, could starve Americans, and would hurt so many vulnerable people. Farmers need help right now -- but cutting vulnerable workers’ wages is not the way to do it.

We need someone in Congress finding real solutions for the farmers, farmworkers, and folks who depend on them in Iowa’s 4th district. Steve King isn’t up to the job. Can you chip in $5 to help J.D. Scholten defeat him? Farm work is critical to food security, and food security is critical to national security. We should be shoring up both our agricultural workers and our farm owners, who’ve already been hurting from a half-decade of low-commodity prices, climate change, corporate consolidation, and tariffs. Cutting their pay would be a huge mistake.

J.D. is running to fight for what rural America really needs in Congress -- and that’s definitely not a pay cut to our agricultural workers.

Can you chip in $5, or whatever you’re able to at this time, so J.D. can go to Washington and find real solutions that help folks in our district?

Thanks for your support.

-- Team Scholten

P.S. Be sure to get updates on the coronavirus from the Iowa Department of Public Health here.
P.P.S. If you want to watch J.D.’s video message about farmworkers, click here.
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Paid for by Scholten4Iowa Campaign Committee

P.O. Box 3531
Sioux City, IA 51102