Dear John, The New York Times is doing what it has always done: supporting the next US war by stoking fear and hatred of China. Instead of reporting the truth, they are twisting every positive story of China into one demonizing the entire country. We call on the New York Times to meet with CODEPINK to discuss why this is so dangerous! In their most recent article, the New York Times took stories of China’s community-centered policing and radicalized it into a narrative about Xi Jinping’s plot for mass control. Sources linked back to positive Chinese articles about successful community conflict mediation, which the general American public is unable to read. One story spoke of how a community officer talked with two feuding neighbors for months to help them settle a dispute. The New York Times called this “silencing dissent.”
That same article also called into question Beijing's “repressive abilities” by referring to community volunteers who bring homeless people to shelters and chastise others for littering. Under a photograph of a mini police vehicle stationed outside an apartment complex in Beijing, they wrote, “Such visible signs of police presence can be unnerving.” Who is it unnerving to? Regular citizens or criminals? The truth is that crime rates in China are much lower than in the US*, and residents overwhelmingly report “feeling safer” with the presence of community officers. The US police force, which has a long history of violence and racism, and is reported to take longer to arrive on the scene in minority neighborhoods, can learn a lot from China’s organized community systems. Overall, these anti-China articles lack evidence and depth, and do nothing but stoke fear and Asian American hate in the US. We call on the New York Times to meet with our CODEPINK team to talk about why we need cooperation not hate.
And join our Summer of Friendship group to engage with your local community and advocate against war with China! Peace and solidarity, Megan, Jodie, and the CODEPINK Team Take further action:
**See how US and China crime rates compare here. |
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