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Dear John,

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called a summer general election, to take place on 4 July.

From the climate emergency to the nation’s food security, housing and energy crises, there are so many complex issues facing the next government.

This will be an era-defining moment for our countryside.

That’s why we’re calling on all political parties to recognise the true value of the countryside and its vital role in answering these challenges.

In the lead up to the election, we’ve set out how the next government can deliver for our countryside and rural communities. Scroll down to read more and take action.

A rooftop revolution


We are missing opportunities to generate huge amounts of cheap, low-carbon electricity on rooftops in every part of the country. With the right initiatives, the rooftops of warehouses and car parks across the nation could act like clean power stations, cutting carbon emissions, slashing energy bills and protecting our countryside. That’s why the next government should make rooftop solar a standard requirement for new buildings and commit to getting 60% of the solar energy we need from our rooftops – sign our petition below if you haven’t already.

A new generation of affordable homes


In the countryside, the housing crisis is particularly acute and many people are now unable to afford to live in the communities that they grew up in. Fixing our broken housing system has the potential to regenerate rural communities at a time when it is desperately needed. That’s why we want to see genuinely ‘affordable’ housing linked to local incomes, and more action to limit the loss of rural housing to second homes and holiday lets. Take a stand with us by adding your name to our campaign.

A planning system for people, nature and climate


We need a planning system with democracy at its heart, that prioritises outcomes that prevent climate and ecological collapse – one of the biggest threats to our countryside. That means properly balancing our use of land to meet the needs of people, planet and nature as well as prioritising development on brownfield land. National planning policy should listen to the voices of local people, and all local plans must recognise both the threats to the countryside, as well as the role it can play in providing a myriad of services.

An enhanced Green Belt, our countryside next door


The countryside surrounding our towns and cities provides millions with health and happiness, but it has the potential to deliver much more. We must invest in this countryside next door as a key solution to the climate and nature crises, and an irreplaceable space where people across the nation can enjoy fresh air and the great outdoors. The next government needs to ensure that the Green Belt continues to be protected, and designate a new generation of regional and country parks – giving more people and nature space to thrive. Read your stories about what the countryside next door means to you below.

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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