Help protect PNW forests.

Dear John,

Our mature and old-growth forests are some of our best climate solutions, but they are threatened by outdated policies that prioritize profits at the expense of our forests, communities, and climate. This year we have a chance to change that. The Biden Administration and Forest Service are creating forest management guidelines that offer a once-in-a-generation opportunity to push for bold policy changes.

Join the Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance (of which Breach is a proud member!) and communities from across the PNW on June 13 for the Forests Are Our Future rally. We will call attention to the pivotal role our forests play in tackling climate change and demand that our leaders protect them.

  • WHAT: Rally with speakers, music, art, community organization tabling, and lots of other ways to get involved.

  • WHEN: June 13, 2024 at 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

  • WHERE: Terry Schrunk Plaza 431 SW Madison St (outside the Region 6 Forest Service office).

  • WHY: Demand the Biden Admin and Forest Service stop logging mature and old-growth forests and protect what’s left!

The Biden Administration and Forest Service will set management policies in the coming months that will affect tens of millions of acres of PNW forests for decades to come. Rally with us on June 13 in Portland to demand they halt logging mature and old-growth forests to protect our communities and climate.

Speak out for the future of our forests!

For the love of trees,

Caitlin + the Breach Team