The Postal Service has never been more important, and it has never been more at risk. That doesn’t add up. 

Republicans keep finding new ways to try to suppress our votes. In a time where voting by mail has never been more important, Trump and his Republican allies in Congress want to see the US Postal Service go under.

We don’t know how long this crisis will last, but we do know that many voters will rely on voting by mail this year. The USPS is facing a crisis and needs federal assistance, and Republicans are refusing to send a lifeline.

The Postal Service has never been more important, and it has never been more at risk. That doesn’t add up.

Tell Susan Collins and her Republican colleagues: Save the USPS!

USPS has been serving the United States since our country was founded. Like many businesses across the country, they’ve had a devastating drop in revenue during this crisis. Unlike private corporations, Republicans in Washington do NOT want to include them in the next stimulus package. The USPS needs a bailout, and Trump is personally making sure that doesn’t happen.

SIGN HERE >> USPS is a VITAL service for Mainers!

USPS serves the entire country at the same rates. If someone wants to send a letter from Sedgwick, it would cost the same as someone who sends a letter from Portland. If the USPS goes under and becomes privatized, our rural communities would suffer the most. We can’t let that happen.

The federal government is constitutionally required to staff federal post offices. And the service they provide is critical. As your Senator, I will protect the USPS.

In Solidarity,
Betsy Sweet



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Betsy Sweet for U.S. Senate
PO Box 487
Hallowell, ME 04347
United States