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A streetview in Nepal

Photo: Streetview in Kathmandu, Nepal © Thomas Chupein 2014 (Individuals and locations depicted are not images of confirmed instances of human trafficking).

Human Trafficking Prevention: Lessons From Rigorous Evidence

Authors: Valentina Farinelli, Savanna Henderson, Cecilia Mo, and Jeni Sorensen

Despite the many well-funded anti-trafficking prevention efforts worldwide, there is limited research on their impact. The few studies that do exist show that the design of awareness campaigns is crucial, as poorly designed campaigns can have negative unintended consequences. In this brief, IPA’s Human Trafficking Research Initiative presents evidence from several studies on the impact of prevention interventions on knowledge, behaviors, and practices related to unsafe and irregular adult migration.

Blog from IPA Leadership

Classroom in Ghana

Photo: Students participating in classroom activities in Ghana. © 2013 Stella Benezra

Diseconomies of Scale: Does Scaling Educational Interventions Cost More than We Think?

Authors: Sarah Kabay and Joseph DeStefano

Many actors in global education are interested in how to scale effective interventions and often assume costs per unit will decrease as an intervention scales up–but that might not necessarily be the case. This latest blog dives into the challenges and implications of expanding educational programs.

Policy Insight

IPA Nigeria Co-Develops Anti-Trafficking Evidence Lab

Photo: From left to right: John-Paul Amodu (NAPTIP), Pheliciah Mwachofi (IPA), Olubiyi Olusayo (NAPTIP), Jeni Sorensen (IPA), Micah Mendie (IPA), and Rasheed Olatunji (NAPTIP) at the Memorandum of Understanding signing for the anti-trafficking embedded evidence lab. © 2023 IPA

IPA and NAPTIP staff

IPA in collaboration with the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), is developing an evidence lab to support the Nigerian government to more effectively target anti-trafficking programming. The effort is a part of the Program to End Modern Slavery (PEMS) funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. So far, the lab is in the process of conducting a baseline study to assess the prevalence of sex trafficking in Nigeria and is conducting a data and evidence use assessment to understand NAPTIP’s data generation capacity and how they currently use data and evidence to inform decision-making. The lab will strengthen NAPTIP's mandate of increasing the rate of prosecutions and convictions of traffickers, providing comprehensive support to survivors, and increasing general awareness about trafficking through the increased generation and use of high-quality data and the uptake of rigorous research.

Research Highlight

Understanding How to Reduce Adolescent Recruitment into Gangs: Evidence from Medellín, Colombia

Photo: A neighborhood in Medellín, Colombia. © 2023 Rut Nastiti

Neighorhood in Medellin

Researchers: Christopher Blattman, Arantxa Rodriguez, and Santiago Tobón

Despite the fact most low- and middle-income neighborhoods in Medellín, Colombia are at least partially controlled by street gangs, most research about recruitment is qualitative and subjective; there is no systematic data on an adolescent’s choice to join gangs. IPA is piloting a randomized evaluation to measure the impact of anti-gang interventions among adolescent boys. This pilot includes a training and mentorship program and information sessions to promote career enhancement and public safety. Researchers are also conducting a panel survey to assess the risk factors and drivers of gang recruitment.


Best Bets: Emerging Opportunities for Impact at Scale | USAID Agency Learning and Evidence Month

May 24

IPA Facilitates Group Discussions for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate, Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands on Financial Inclusion in the Philippines

May 22


IPA in the News

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VoxDevTalks with Adrienne Lucas on Learning at Scale in Ghana

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IPA Report on Digital Credit Covered by NextBillion

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IPA Uganda's Cross-Country Learning Exchange in The Observer

Employment Opportunities

Advisor, Right-Fit Evidence | Several IPA country office locations

Provide evidence- and data-driven Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation advice to implementers & funders


(Senior) Philanthropic Partnerships Manager | New York, NY or Washington, DC

Secure unrestricted & institutional funds, steward mid-level donors, and help expand IPA's mid-level giving program


Senior Director, Global Communications | New York, NY; Washington, DC; or IPA country office

Develop and execute a strategy to expand the conversation on evidence use and promote impact & engagement


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