Friend, The insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 was a horrifying act of violence perpetuated and led by former President Trump and his MAGA supporters. While the Supreme Court is considering cases about how those who encouraged the insurrection should be handled in the eyes of the law, reports continue linking Supreme Court Justice Alito to demonstrations of support for the rioters. Recently, an upside-down American flag was found to have flown outside the home of Justice Samuel Alito in the days following the January 6 insurrection, a symbol commonly affiliated with Trump supporters who falsely claimed there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election. At Alito’s vacation home, an “Appeal to Heaven” flag – also deployed by insurrectionists and affiliated with Christian nationalists who want to remake the government in their theological vision – was flown as recently as 2023! [1,2] Such blatant support of insurrectionist causes while the Court has several insurrection-related cases before it calls for Alito’s recusal from these cases and for the Senate to investigate the ways in which Justice Alito’s behavior offends current legal and ethical requirements as well as the handling of this matter by Chief Justice Roberts. Add your name to our petition urging the Senate to investigate! >> The legitimacy of the Supreme Court is at stake. We must do everything we can to ensure that justices on the Supreme Court adhere to the standards of impartiality required under the law and under the Court’s own ethical principles. The Court issues decisions that impact our lives on a daily basis. We must ensure steps are taken to restore the integrity of this institution. Join us in urging the Senate to investigate Alito’s ethical breaches and the role that Chief Justice Roberts has played in handling this matter! >> Your signature on this petition asserts your commitment to an impartial judiciary that demands justice for all. Together, we can send a clear message about the role the Senate can play in insuring that end. Thanks for all that you do. Charlie Everett
Sources [1] "At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display" New York Times, 05/16/24 [2] "Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home" New York Times, 05/22/24