Forum for the Future receives £400k in funding raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery

Forum for the Future has been awarded £400,000 in funding, raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, awarded by Postcode Green Trust. This funding will drive Forum’s work to accelerate the shift to a socially just and ecologically safe energy system, healthy and thriving food system, and to change the purpose of business in society and the economy. 

Learn more about the funding
Learn more about Growing our Future UK

What does it take to overhaul the global energy system? 

To overhaul the global energy system, we must address its deep-rooted systemic deficiencies. Our transition from an inequitable and extractive system to one that is just and regenerative requires more than just surface-level changes. We need to rethink its purpose, viewing it not just as a provider of gigawatts for economic growth, but as a driver of wellbeing and resilience. 

Our recent Energy Spotlight campaign explored all this and more.

Explore our work on energy
Explore must-read opinion pieces from the Energy Spotlight

How can businesses take concrete actions for climate justice that are aligned with community needs? 

As climate change intensifies, the most severe harm falls disproportionately on frontline communities, who are least able to prepare for and recover from climate disasters. Climate justice strengthens current and new climate action initiatives to be more effective, efficient and inclusive.

The Business Guide to Advancing Climate Justice, co-published by Forum and B Lab U.S. and Canada, is for the many businesses who are beginning to embrace their role and responsibility in creating equity-centered solutions to the global climate crisis. It amplifies and supports the stories, voices, and wisdom from frontline community efforts and provides practical guidance for the private sector to take concrete climate justice action in partnership with communities. 

Explore the guide

Shaping the future of responsible recruitment

Significant efforts have been underway to tackle the challenge of irresponsible recruitment in Malaysian value chains. Despite progress, unethical practices continue to persist. 

Over 2023, Forum convened actors across Malaysia’s responsible recruitment system to collectively diagnose barriers to eradicating unethical recruitment practices, and identify opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of existing interventions – especially in the face of future disruptors. 

Learn more from our blog series on Shaping the Future of Responsible Recruitment

Read the blogs

The Futures Centre

Imagining the Responsible Renewable Energy Summit in 2034 
In 2024, Forum hosted the second REI Summit in New Delhi to shift mindsets and narratives around renewable energy. Forum's Senior Change Designer, Neil Walker, imagines how the Responsible Renewable Energy Summit could ignite a movement of small-scale, high-risk investments leading to transformative changes in clean energy and societal shifts leading to 2034. Explore the futures article.

Webinar | Future of: the Energy Transition
Join us for the first webinar in our Future Of series in which we explore the potential futures emerging as three transitions gather pace: food, energy and the purpose of business. Our interactive session on 10 June will focus on the future of energy and how people-centric approaches should be used to deliver just and regenerative outcomes. Register.

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Subscribe to the Futures Centre newsletter. To submit a signal of change, visit the Futures Centre.

The School of System Change

The School of System Change Seedling Series is back in summer 2024. Top up your systemic practice with these short courses for those looking to discover the diversity of systemic approaches. More summer short courses will be announced soon.

Lewis Deep Democracy with Belamie Peddle
Join Belamie Peddle this June or August to develop your ability to effectively deal with tension and polarities in your systems change work. Using the Lewis Deep Democracy approach, you'll also start exploring how to build trusting relationships. Enrol by 5 June.
Walking courageously into an unknowable future with Joy Green

It's tough right now for changemakers. Join Joy Green, Systemic Futurist, over three online sessions to dive into a new perspective that will help you bring a more systemic approach to your life and work. Enrol by 20 June.

Follow the School on LinkedIn for more stories and subscribe to their newsletter for the latest on systems change courses, resources, opportunities, and events.
Responsible Business Europe 2024
11-12 June | London

Responsible Business Europe will be bringing together senior business leaders, industry experts and regulatory bodies, providing market-leading solutions to the current challenges faced by a responsible business leader.
 Forum CEO, Dr Sally Uren, will present the closing keynote speech. Register.
Economist Impact Sustainability Week US
12-13 June | Virtual, New York

The 4th annual Sustainability Week US will deliver vital information on reducing emissions and improving environmental impact in 2024. Forum CEO, Dr Sally Uren, will be speaking.  Register.
From Mitigation to Climate Change Adaption  
25 June, 1-1.45pm BST | Virtual webinar 

Part of the Systemic Innovation Series, join Forum and Capgemini's upcoming webinar and hear from industry experts to deep dive into how retail and consumer products organisations can work across value chains to build resilience in the face of climate change. Forum’s Senior Change Designer, Mareyah Bhatti, will be speaking. Register.  


Reset Connect, London Climate Action Week
25-26 June | ExCeL London

Join sustainability professionals across business, finance, industry and government at the UK’s free-to-attend, sustainability ecosystem and green investment event. Forum CEO, Dr Sally Uren, will be speaking on a panel titled 'From ESG and Sustainability to Impact: The future of finance'. Register.

Climate Innovation Forum, London Climate Action Week 
27 June | Guildhall, London 

Run in partnership with the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and the City of London Corporation, the Climate Innovation Forum will bring together over 1,000 business leaders, policymakers, investors, and civil society representatives to accelerate the speed and scale of our collective efforts in driving climate action. 
Forum has a limited number of complimentary VIP passes so apply to secure your pass. Once the passes are sold out, use code FFTF25 for a 25% discount here

In other news

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