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Today is Brad’s birthday.  

If you haven’t already, will you please sign Brad’s card and rush in a special campaign gift to help reach our May fundraising goal?

We’re still about $5,600 short!

The campaign paused all fundraising out of respect during Memorial Day weekend, so we’ve been scrambling to catch up the last few days.

Before Brad blows out the candles on his cake later, it would be GREAT to tell him our campaign is back on track thanks to great supporters like you.

So please help Brad enjoy a truly HAPPY BIRTHDAY – add your name to his card and donate your special gift of any amount right away.

Thanks again!

Jackie Finstad

Sender: Jackie Finstad 

Subject: ADD YOUR NAME: It’s Brad’s Birthday! 

Date: May 28, 2024 , 10:02AM

Hi , 


I hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend.  It’s important to cherish our freedom as we honor and remember those who sacrificed everything in service to our nation.

Brad's birthday is this week. I wanted to reach out and ask all of his top supporters to sign his card and help him close the gap on his May fundraising deficit. 

You see, Brad paused his fundraising activities over the weekend out of respect for Memorial Day and fell behind his May goal. 

But with his birthday in just a few days, I thought I could surprise him by helping him make up his deficit and get back on track!

So please, add your name to Brad’s card and make a small birthday contribution to help him win this race so he can continue to represent our common sense, Minnesota values in D.C.

I’ve known Brad since second grade, and I can tell you that he does NOT want anyone making a big deal about his birthday.  With seven kids, we’ve got enough birthday festivities as it is!  

But it would mean a lot for supporters like you to wish him a happy birthday and chip in a small gift as we recognize his special day.

Thanks in advance.



Jackie Finstad



PO Box 923

New Ulm, MN 56073
