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Democrats, You’re invited:
Join us for a statewide Day of Action for Christy Smith! RSVP

Democrats: Christy Smith needs our help.

She’s facing a nail-biting special election on May 12th and we’re calling on all California Democrats to rally around her when she needs it most.

It’s up to us to do everything we can to support Christy and keep this seat blue. This is the last special election until November, and we’ve organized a fun day of action on Sunday, April 19th to support Christy.

Whether you’re an experienced pro or you’ve never volunteered before, this is the perfect time to get involved. We’ll provide everything you need beyond a laptop and phone.
I'M IN! WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP? RSVP right here to join us:

The day will feature a virtual rally with Rusty Hicks (Chair of the California Democratic Party) and Christy Smith (future Congresswoman!) to discuss our strategy and the plan to win in May.

After that, we’ll split up into virtual spaces by county to make phone calls to the voters who need to hear from us most. Sign up to ensure we keep this critical Congressional seat blue→

Anything you can do to help will go a long way, especially when Republicans are using every nasty trick in the book to take back this seat. The national GOP campaign arm just funded over $1 million in TV attack ads. They’re flooding this district with mudslinging ads because they’re desperate -- before 2018, Christy’s district was run by Republicans for twenty-six years.

This race is ours to win, Democrats

Join us today:
-CADEM Field Team


Paid for by the California Democratic Party and authorized by Christy Smith for Congress

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