Today I wanted to take a moment to reflect back on the event and thank everyone who joined, partnered, sponsored, supported, and helped make this impactful convening possible. 

Arena Community,


We’re a little over a month out from Arena Summit, and Team Arena is still buzzing with excitement. 

Today I wanted to take a moment to reflect back on the event and thank everyone who joined, partnered, sponsored, supported, and helped make this impactful convening possible. 

From April 18-21 in Atlanta, Georgia we held our largest convening to date, with more than 500 people attending to learn, connect, and plan for the challenges ahead. We did this work alongside an incredible team of 15 in-state partners who supported Arena Summit from planning to execution, and with the invaluable support of 14 generous sponsors.

You can read a full recap of the event on our blog.

Arena Summit Georgia by the Numbers. 500 participants, 75 speakers, 91 trainings, 15 local partners, 14 sponsors, 21 employers

Our Impact was Local and National


While our largest contingent was from the fabulous host state of Georgia, Arena Summit participants joined us from 40 states.


A map with different states filled in with lighter and darker shades of purple. The darkest state is Georgia followed by Texas, Florida, New York, and California.

Number of Participants from State.


The diverse geographies represented weren’t by chance; they represented Arena’s strategic reach.

  • We trained campaign staff hailing from five of the Presidential battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
  • Participants from six Senate battleground states joined us, including Ohio, Arizona, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
  • Large contingents of campaign staff joined us from New York and California, states critical to taking back the House.
  • And because Arena looks to build power, not just contest battlegrounds, we also welcomed participants from states where we are eyeing the future, from Alabama, to Mississippi, to Oklahoma, to Kentucky and beyond.

The result is that Arena-trained staff will be everywhere it matters this fall: knocking doors, raising money, organizing communities, and earning votes, all so that we deliver Democratic victories now and into the future. 


Arena is more than a training -- we’re a community.

Our team worked tirelessly to ensure participants left Arena Summit with hard skills and a new community of support. 

Here’s some of what our participants had to say:

  • This was a phenomenal experience! The panels were empowering, and it was so great to network with like-minded, mission-focused people that are looking to effect positive change across the country.
  • I met so many people! Filled up my contact sheet. Both people that want help find jobs as well as people that I may be able to work with.
  • It was truly such an amazing four days!!! I learned so much about myself and the work we do!!! It was extra special being back in the South and being around people who feel the same way I do!!
A large group of smiling people holding placards that say Arena in front of cut out letters that say Arena. People are smiling and raising their arms.

We’re proud to have created a space for learning that put community building and joy at its center, and our work this cycle is just getting started. 

Learn more about our upcoming Arena Academy 201: Management Skills Training>>

With Gratitude

Lauren Baer

Managing Partner, Arena

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