Health Policy Center
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Health Policy Update
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Black-white disparities in asthma hospitalizations and ED visits among Medicaid-enrolled children
The rates of asthma hospitalization and emergency department (ED) visits for Black, Medicaid-enrolled children with asthma were more than twice the rates for white, Medicaid-enrolled children with asthma.
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The measurement of health insurance coverage in the American Community Survey and the Puerto Rico Community Survey
Researchers shared concerns about the timing of proposed changes, their potential to worsen measurement challenges, and the need for further research to refine alternative coverage questions.
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Public comment on proposed regulations to expand tax data sharing with the US Census Bureau
The proposal would enable the release of statistics from a broad range of tax data, including a comprehensive record of health coverage nationwide, which could facilitate research on health coverage, health disparities, and health policy proposals.
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Reviewing the Final 2025 Payment Notice
The final rule includes provisions designed to expand Marketplace enrollment, establish minimum standards for Marketplaces nationwide, and improve consumer experiences. Researchers highlight Marketplace and insurance reforms and policies related to the advance premium tax credits, as well as
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implications for states .
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Evidence on private equity suggests containing costs and improving outcomes may go hand-in-hand
Higher prices of private equity–acquired providers are not associated with better care. Evidence indicates that private equity delivers fewer lower-profit services, increased costs, and can lead to worse care.
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