What are we marching for next month?
Restore Nature Now - June 22nd 2024

Hello John

Nearly 1 in 6 species are threatened with extinction in Great Britain. For birds, more than two-fifths are at risk. And we are already one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world.?

On Saturday 22nd June, thousands of people will demand action. Join the chorus for change.

A group of people marching in front of a green banner which says No Nature No Future

What are we marching for?

Restore Nature Now has five aims:

1. A pay-rise for nature: Farmers manage 70% of UK land and have a huge role to play in supporting environmental recovery - they need more support to do so.

2. Making polluters pay: At present, big business - from water to retail to energy - actively further environmental decline. We want new rules to ensure they support nature's recovery, rather than just profit from its decline.?

3. Delivering more space for nature: Just 3% of English land and 8% of waters are properly protected. And the government are missing their own targets for greater protection. We need to expand and improve protected areas.

4. A right to a healthy environment: Limited access to nature, water pollution and air pollution affect everyone. An Environmental Rights Bill would give us all the legal right to a healthy environment.

5. Fair and effective climate action: Increasing home energy efficiency, supporting active travel and public transport, replacing polluting fossil fuels with affordable renewables - all these will ensure we at least halve UK emissions by 2030.

Be part of the solution on 22nd June.?

Love & birdsong,


- Natural England State of Nature report
- Restore Nature Now


Restore Nature Now 12

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