As the Paris Olympics approach, ensuring the safety of athletes and spectators is the top priority. Since last year, we've closely tracked the evolving exploitation trends related to major sporting events.

🗓️ Join us on June 13th at 14:00 GMT for an exclusive webinar, during which STOP THE TRAFFIK’s Intelligence Team will share their findings on the increase in exploitation linked to sporting events.

Register here.

Our agenda includes:

  • Insights from recent sports events
  • Comparison intelligence with the Qatar World Cup
  • What our data is telling us
  • Trends in exploitation and their implications
  • Key learnings and takeaways for you and your organisation
  • Q&A session

A chance to interact with the STOP THE TRAFFIK Group Intelligence Team.

Don't miss this important discussion.

Stay informed and help make a difference!

Our latest research sheds light on the alarming connection between homelessness and human trafficking, particularly affecting Albanian and Romanian nationals in London. Supported by Commonweal Housing, STOP THE TRAFFIK Group conducted in-depth interviews and analysis to uncover the harsh realities faced by survivors and vulnerable communities.

The findings reveal a troubling nexus between exploitation and housing instability, posing significant challenges for victims seeking support. But it doesn't end there—our report offers targeted recommendations to key stakeholders, urging action to disrupt and prevent further exploitation.

Join us in the fight against human trafficking.

Read the full report here for actionable insights.

Together, let's build a safer, more just society for all.

In the face of natural disasters, conflicts, or economic crises, vulnerable populations face heightened risks of falling prey to human traffickers. As emergency responses intensify, it’s crucial to address traffickers exploiting desperate situations.

The ongoing crisis in Palestine has resulted in a significant loss of civilian lives and displacement, raising alarming concerns about human trafficking. Reports of alleged organ trafficking and theft highlight the urgency. As millions are displaced, risks of sex and labour exploitation rise.

Our assessment evaluates the situation from three perspectives: recruitment, money and demand. 

Learn more and join the fight!
Read our full blog here.

We believe in a world where people are not bought or sold. Since 2012, our reporting mechanism (the STOP APP) has helped countless vulnerable people spot the signs of human trafficking and enabled the safe reporting of human trafficking incidents.

Our dedicated Intelligence Team work with law enforcement, global business partners, and our global NGO network to better understand the business of human traffickers.

This helps vulnerable people avoid precarious situations and helps STOP THE TRAFFIK Group to stop human traffickers from profiting from their crimes.

Our STOP APP is free to download and published in multiple languages.

Join us to stop human traffickers profiting from the proceeds of crime.

Click here to learn more about the Stop App.
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