Te Pāti Māori pānui.
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Te Pāti Māori tamariki
with flags

Te Pāti Māori Pānui

Kia Ora Friend,

Today, Te Pāti Māori issued a Declaration of Political Independence, ’Te Ngākau o Te Iwi Māori’ and are imploring all Māori, people of all ages and ethnicities in Aotearoa to sign the Declaration.

The Declaration ‘Te Ngākau o Te Iwi Māori’ proclaims the following:

To assert Māori sovereignty as affirmed and protected in He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, te iwi Māori shall establish its own parliament, which will be:

anchored in our tikanga and kawa;

• focussed entirely on mokopuna livelihood;

• established as part of transforming Aotearoa into a nation which respects the tino rangatiratanga of tangata whenua, and creates a safe home for all peoples

Our proclamation asserts the pillar of our Mana Motuhake policy and the enablement of our tino rangatiratanga, through the establishment of a Māori Parliament.

This is the type of transformation our people have been waiting for. What we have witnessed today is te iwi Māori across Aotearoa tell this government that enough is enough. No longer can we allow this very house to dictate our rangatiratanga.

Up and down the country, near 100-thousand people have taken part in activation rallies and we have saturated social media networks. We have mobilised our people in the matter of days in a beautiful harmonious activation against this Government.

The wairua and ahua among our own was magic. Seeing Tangata Tiriti and Tangata Whenua as one, which is the true intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, is exactly what scares the bejesus out of this government.

We will no longer let decisions made by this house determine our oranga. The oranga of our people, our mokopuna the land and te iwi Māori katoa.

We now begin the process of establishing our own Parliament. Our people will design what this looks like for us, nobody else.

The proclamation can be found and signed here.

Ngā mihi, 

Te Pāti Māori

Māori Party website

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Authorised by Lance Norman at 6/8 Pioneer Street, Henderson, Auckland