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Hi there,
Sorry for the double email!
We were so excited to launch our new letter writing campaign that we mixed up the mail date: send your letters as soon as possible, but no later than June 12.
[Start writing letters to encourage potential voters to register.]([link removed])
Apologies again for any confusion!
The Vote Forward Team
Hi there,
We just launched a new campaign, and you can now [write letters to encourage potential voters to register]([link removed])! The first step towards participating in elections is registering to vote, but many Americans miss out because they don’t register in time.
In this letter campaign, we’ll be reaching out to voters who need to update their registrations, as well as households where our data indicates that a resident may need to register. We’ll be sending letters to households rather than individual names, following best practices for voter registration as recommended by subject matter experts. Our last voter registration experiment in 2022 showed promising results, so we’re hoping to scale that up for big impact this year!
[New letter writing campaign: Encourage your fellow Americans to register to vote!]([link removed])
[Write letters]([link removed])
It’s never too early to get registered, so we want to reach these potential voters right away. That means you can start writing these voter registration letters now, and send them as soon as possible, but no later than June 12.
Please take care to keep these letters separate from any letters you’re writing for our campaigns with send dates later in the year.
Happy writing!
The Vote Forward Team
Our small team works tirelessly to develop new campaigns, analyze data, and improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you. If you can, please consider [making a contribution to help sustain our efforts over the long term.]([link removed])
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Vote Forward
611 Pennsylvania Ave SE #192
Washington, DC 20003
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