Mises Institute
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
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Don’t Call It Free Trade
Connor O’Keeffe
According to an article in The Atlantic, Washington is turning away from its previous commitment to “free trade.” However, there never was a “free trade consensus” because Washington always has sought state-managed trade.
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The Failure of Conservatism
David Gordon
The neoconservatives are prime examples of what happens when the temptation to empire and hegemony, far from being resisted, is eagerly embraced by conservatives.
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Monetary Inflation and Counterfeiting
Counterfeiting gravely cripples the moral and property rights foundation that lies at the base of any free-market economy.
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Lending without Saving Brings Recession and Poverty
Credit expansion that is not backed by real savings leads ultimately to an economic downturn.
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The Best Investment You Can Make
The failure of mainstream economics to teach real economics is why Mises University has been so successful and so helpful in the war of ideas and the battle for freedom.
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Can Data by Itself Inform Us about the Real World?
Mainstream economists insist that data alone can explain economic events, permitting them to test economic theories. In truth, without sound theory, data is meaningless.
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Judy Shelton’s Lasting Legacies
While her record is hardly perfect, Judy Shelton has been a rarity among monetary economists: an advocate for gold and sound money.
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The Creature from Jekyll Island
If the classical gold standard worked so well, why did it break down?
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How Inflation Destroys Civilization
Inflation doesn’t only make us poorer. It harms our culture, mental well-being, and the moral foundations of civilization itself.
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