Promoting Worker Rights Worldwide
May 29, 2024
Media Mentions & News

A digest of media coverage of issues that affect workers, their rights and organizations, or mention the work of the Solidarity Center, delivered three times a week.
Solidarity Center
In the News
In the News
NLC Reiterates Call for Labor, Employers’ Inclusion in NCCC Governing Structures
The Nigeria Labor Congress (NLC) has again called for immediate inclusion of workers and employers’ representatives in the governing structures of the National Council on Climate Change (NCCC). ILO Senior Specialist Inviolata Chinyangarara 
congratulated the NLC for several national, regional and global initiatives aimed at strengthening workers’ knowledge and understanding of climate change and just transition, some of which initiatives have been implemented in collaboration with partners such as the FES and the Solidarity Center.

CSDDD – A Timid Step Forward in the Fight Against Corporate Human Rights Abuse
Following the significant weakening of the final text of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive by some EU member states, we have considerable doubts as to whether it is sufficiently ambitious to deliver meaningful results for the world’s workers and trade unions, say Jeffrey Vogt, Solidarity Center rule of law director and co-founder and chair of the International Lawyers Assisting Workers (ILAW) Network; Ruwan Subasinghe, legal director at the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF); and Paapa Danquah, legal director at the International Trade Union Confederation.

Workers & Worker Rights
Rwanda Plan Puts Modern Slavery Victims at Further Risk of Exploitation, Campaigners Warn (most from Africa, Asia, Europe)
Kuwait, Ethiopia Seal Pact on Domestic Workers amid Shortage

African Union Urged to Create Labor Migration Coordination Process
Nigeria: Govt, Labor Resume Minimum Wage Talks Today
Nigeria: in Nigeria, Vulnerable Women and Girls Go from Survivors of Violence to Business Owners
South Africa: Get Us Jobs, Contract Workers Tell Gauteng Premier
Will the Push to Get Public-Sector Workers to Exercise Slow the Rise of Non-Communicable Diseases in Uganda?

The Silent Struggle of Internal Displacement (Americas)
Worker Rights Violations at Huge VW Plant in Mexico
A Woman Could Be Mexico's Next Leader. Millions of Others Continue in Shadows as Domestic Workers
Farmworkers Face High-Risk Exposures to Bird Flu, but Testing Isn’t Reaching Them
Brazil Judge Orders All Workers at JBS Plant to Stay Home Due to Coronavirus

Canada’s Seafood Industry Is Failing to Address Forced Labor Atrocities
Foreigners Who Work in the Agricultural Sector May Be Legalized (Costa Rica)

Guatemala and Costa Rica Define Joint Public Policies on Work and Migration
The U.S. Donates Drones to El Salvador to Monitor Borders and Smuggling
How Much Haiti (and Haitians) Contribute to the Economy of the Dominican Republic

Low Consumption, High Household Debt Take a Toll on Manufacturing Index (Thailand)
Alarming Levels of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Water near Bangladesh Garment Factories
‘They Stole Our Jobs and Life’: Anger and Desperation in India’s Coal Belt
Malaysian Companies Face Renewed Calls to Address Systemic Workplace Inequalities, Make Diversity Disclosures
Malaysian Fishermen Want Govt to Crack down on Vietnamese Encroachers
China's Rare Earth Dominance Fueled by Human Rights Abuses in Myanmar
Pakistan: Two Journalists Killed in Three Days
Feeling the Heat: Who Are the Most Vulnerable Workers Impacted by the Philippines’ Record-Breaking Heatwaves?
(gig workers)

Sri Lanka’s New Employment Bill Threat to Workers
Sri Lanka's Tea Producers Warn 70% Wage Hike Will Hit Industry
Volkswagen: Address Uyghur Forced Labor
Forced Labor in Belarus in the Light of Global Assessments
Poland's New Government Continues Migrant Pushback on Belarus Border
Between Croatia and Bosnia, River Sava Forms Formidable Barrier for Migrants

Missing Ukrainian Journalist Turns Up in Russian Custody
Luxury Perfumes Linked to Child Labor, BBC Finds (Egyptian workers)
Tunisia: Thousands of Migrants 'Dumped' in the Desert
The Gig Economy: The Precariat in a Climate Precarious World

Austerity, Economic News & Trade
How Much Haiti (and Haitians) Contribute to the Economy of the Dominican Republic
Sri Lanka's Tea Producers Warn 70% Wage Hike Will Hit Industry

Civil Unrest & Protests
Georgia: Protests Continue over Bill Limiting Freedom of Association
‘Down with Dictatorship’: Tunisians Rally Against Gov’t Crackdown on Media

Climate Change & Environment
Widowed by Climate: Indigenous Women Now Demand Action (Kenya)
German Government Is 'Morally Wrong to Support Destruction' of Namibian National Park for Green Hydrogen Production
‘Crippling’ Drought in Zambia Threatens Hunger for Millions, Says Minister
Climate Crisis Threatens 41 million Across Caribbean and Latin America: UN
Climate Lawsuits Build as a Latin American Court Hears Largest Case Ever

Exclusive: Operations to Destroy Illegal Roads in Colombia's Amazon Hit Standstill, Sources Say
Submerged Homes and Heatwaves Fuel Mexico Climate Angst
Alarming Levels of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Water near Bangladesh Garment Factories

Rotten Bananas in a Scorching India Expose Climate's Food Cost
India: Delhi Heat Wave Has Residents Struggling
Over 3 Million Hectares of Malaysian Forests at Risk of Deforestation, National Forest Cover Commitment at Risk
(monoculture plantations)
Feeling the Heat: Who Are the Most Vulnerable Workers Impacted by the Philippines’ Record-Breaking Heatwaves? (gig workers)

Climate Change Added a Month’s Worth of Extra-Hot Days in Past Year
The Gig Economy: The Precariat in a Climate Precarious World

Closing Space for Civil Society
Honduran Environmental Defenders Hit Hard by Human Rights Crisis, Report Says
Hong Kong Charges Six People Under New National Security Law
Georgia: Protests Continue over Bill Limiting Freedom of Association
Georgian Parliament Set to Confirm 'Foreign Agent' Law Despite Western Warnings, Presidential Veto
Georgian Parliament Overrides Presidential Veto of ‘Foreign Agent Bill’
Three Tunisian Pundits Arrested over Critical Remarks, Say Lawyers

Corruption & Corporate Malfeasance
Worker Rights Violations at Huge VW Plant in Mexico
Dangerous Relations: Lack of Transparent Links Between Industry and Universities (Mexico, processed food multinationals)

Luxury Perfumes Linked to Child Labor, BBC Finds (Egyptian workers)

Democracy & Authoritarianism 
South Africa’s Young Democracy Leaves Its Young Voters Disillusioned
Political Killings Rock South Africa as It Heads into Elections

New Report Details Russia's Online Meddling in South Africa
In Mexico, Against a Backdrop of Widespread Violence, Freedom of Press and Democracy Itself Hang in the Balance
Indian Journalists Are on the Front Line in the Fight Against Election Deepfakes
Indonesia Broadcasting Bill Elicits Press Freedom Fears
Pakistan: Two Journalists Killed in Three Days
Belarus: Crackdown on Human Rights Lawyers

Forced Labor in Belarus in the Light of Global Assessments
TikTok Moves to Limit Russian and Chinese Media’s Reach in Big Election Year

Georgian Parliament Set to Confirm 'Foreign Agent' Law Despite Western Warnings, Presidential Veto
Georgian Parliament Overrides Presidential Veto of ‘Foreign Agent Bill’
Lawyer for Family of Executed Iranian Protester Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison
Missing Ukrainian Journalist Turns Up in Russian Custody
Kuwait: Politician Mesaed Al-Quraifa Jailed for ‘Insulting’ Royal Family

‘Down with Dictatorship’: Tunisians Rally Against Gov’t Crackdown on Media
UNESCO Report Confirms Quality Journalism Essential for Democracy, Accountability and Civic Engagement

Gender Inequality
Widowed by Climate: Indigenous Women Now Demand Action (Kenya)
Special Report - Rising Cost of Sanitary Pads Impedes Menstrual Hygiene Among Nigerian Women
In Nigeria, Vulnerable Women and Girls Go from Survivors of Violence to Business Owners
Fighting Poverty and Gender-Based Violence in a South African Town
Women, Remittances and Financial Inclusion in Guatemala
A Woman Could Be Mexico's Next Leader. Millions of Others Continue in Shadows as Domestic Workers
When Sex Is Demanded as Payment for Health Care Services

Human Rights
Climate Lawsuits Build as a Latin American Court Hears Largest Case Ever
Peru Issued a Decree Calling Trans Identity a ‘Disorder.’ A Backlash Followed.

Honduran Environmental Defenders Hit Hard by Human Rights Crisis, Report Says
Leaflet by Leaflet, a Few Aging Activists Fight India’s Tide of Bigotry (India)
China's Rare Earth Dominance Fueled by Human Rights Abuses in Myanmar
Belarus: Crackdown on Human Rights Lawyers
Gay and Trans Iraqis Plagued by Threats, Violence - and Now the Law

Gaza: Palestinians with Disabilities Fear Being Killed First, Says UN Committee
Tunisia: Thousands of Migrants 'Dumped' in the Desert

Inequality, Poverty & Social Justice
Fighting Poverty and Gender-Based Violence in a South African Town
‘Crippling’ Drought in Zambia Threatens Hunger for Millions, Says Minister
The Silent Struggle of Internal Displacement

Women, Remittances and Financial Inclusion in Guatemala
‘They Stole Our Jobs and Life’: Anger and Desperation in India’s Coal Belt
Albania’s Roma Decry Lack of Progress on Govt’s Integration Pledge
When Sex Is Demanded as Payment for Health Care Services

Labor Migration & Human Trafficking
African Union Urged to Create Labor Migration Coordination Process
Rwanda Plan Puts Modern Slavery Victims at Further Risk of Exploitation, Campaigners Warn (most commonly from Africa, Asia, Europe)
Kuwait, Ethiopia Seal Pact on Domestic Workers amid Shortage
Farmworkers Face High-Risk Exposures to Bird Flu, but Testing Isn’t Reaching Them
Canada’s Seafood Industry Is Failing to Address Forced Labor Atrocities
Foreigners Who Work in the Agricultural Sector May Be Legalized
(Costa Rica)
Guatemala and Costa Rica Define Joint Public Policies on Work and Migration
The U.S. Donates Drones to El Salvador to Monitor Borders and Smuggling
How Much Haiti (and Haitians) Contribute to the Economy of the Dominican Republic
Poland's New Government Continues Migrant Pushback on Belarus Border

Between Croatia and Bosnia, River Sava Forms Formidable Barrier for Migrants
Tunisia: Thousands of Migrants 'Dumped' in the Desert

Multinationals & Supply Chains
Inside the Factory Supplying Half of Africa’s Syringes (Kenya)
German Government Is 'Morally Wrong to Support Destruction' of Namibian National Park for Green Hydrogen Production
Worker Rights Violations at Huge VW Plant in Mexico
Dangerous Relations: Lack of Transparent Links Between Industry and Universities (Mexico, processed food multinationals)

Brazil Judge Orders All Workers at JBS Plant to Stay Home Due to Coronavirus
Canada’s Seafood Industry Is Failing to Address Forced Labor Atrocities
Alarming Levels of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Water near Bangladesh Garment Factories
Malaysian Companies Face Renewed Calls to Address Systemic Workplace Inequalities, Make Diversity Disclosures
Malaysian Fishermen Want Govt to Crack down on Vietnamese Encroachers
Over 3 Million Hectares of Malaysian Forests at Risk of Deforestation, National Forest Cover Commitment at Risk
(monoculture plantations)

China's Rare Earth Dominance Fueled by Human Rights Abuses in Myanmar
Volkswagen: Address Uyghur Forced Labor
Sri Lanka's Tea Producers Warn 70% Wage Hike Will Hit Industry
Luxury Perfumes Linked to Child Labor, BBC Finds
(Egyptian workers)

The Gig Economy: The Precariat in a Climate Precarious World
Return to Top
The Gig Economy: The Precariat in a Climate Precarious World
Nigeria: Govt, Labor Resume Minimum Wage Talks Today
In Nigeria, Vulnerable Women and Girls Go from Survivors of Violence to Business Owners
Special Report - Rising Cost of Sanitary Pads Impedes Menstrual Hygiene Among Nigerian Women

South Africa: Get Us Jobs, Contract Workers Tell Gauteng Premier
South Africa’s Young Democracy Leaves Its Young Voters Disillusioned
Political Killings Rock South Africa as It Heads into Elections
Fighting Poverty and Gender-Based Violence in a South African Town

New Report Details Russia's Online Meddling in South Africa
Will the Push to Get Public-Sector Workers to Exercise Slow the Rise of Non-Communicable Diseases in Uganda?
Kuwait, Ethiopia Seal Pact on Domestic Workers amid Shortage
Rwanda Plan Puts Modern Slavery Victims at Further Risk of Exploitation, Campaigners Warn
(most from Africa, Asia, Europe)
Inside the Factory Supplying Half of Africa’s Syringes (Kenya)

Widowed by Climate: Indigenous Women Now Demand Action (Kenya)
German Government Is 'Morally Wrong to Support Destruction' of Namibian National Park for Green Hydrogen Production
‘Crippling’ Drought in Zambia Threatens Hunger for Millions, Says Minister
Climate Change Added a Month’s Worth of Extra-Hot Days in Past Year

TikTok Moves to Limit Russian and Chinese Media’s Reach in Big Election Year
UNESCO Report Confirms Quality Journalism Essential for Democracy, Accountability and Civic Engagement
When Sex Is Demanded as Payment for Health Care Services

Americas & Caribbean
Worker Rights Violations at Huge VW Plant in Mexico
In Mexico, Against a Backdrop of Widespread Violence, Freedom of Press and Democracy Itself Hang in the Balance
A Woman Could Be Mexico's Next Leader. Millions of Others Continue in Shadows as Domestic Workers
Submerged Homes and Heatwaves Fuel Mexico Climate Angst

The Gig Economy: The Precariat in a Climate Precarious World
The Silent Struggle of Internal Displacement (Americas)
Farmworkers Face High-Risk Exposures to Bird Flu, but Testing Isn’t Reaching Them

Brazil Judge Orders All Workers at JBS Plant to Stay Home Due to Coronavirus
Canada’s Seafood Industry Is Failing to Address Forced Labor Atrocities
Foreigners Who Work in the Agricultural Sector May Be Legalized (Costa Rica)
Guatemala and Costa Rica Define Joint Public Policies on Work and Migration
Women, Remittances and Financial Inclusion in Guatemala

The U.S. Donates Drones to El Salvador to Monitor Borders and Smuggling
Exclusive: Operations to Destroy Illegal Roads in Colombia's Amazon Hit Standstill, Sources Say
How Much Haiti (and Haitians) Contribute to the Economy of the Dominican Republic

Peru Issued a Decree Calling Trans Identity a ‘Disorder.’ a Backlash Followed.
Climate Lawsuits Build as a Latin American Court Hears Largest Case Ever

Climate Crisis Threatens 41 Million Across Caribbean and Latin America: UN
Climate Change Added a Month’s Worth of Extra-Hot Days in Past Year

TikTok Moves to Limit Russian and Chinese Media’s Reach in Big Election Year
UNESCO Report Confirms Quality Journalism Essential for Democracy, Accountability and Civic Engagement
When Sex Is Demanded as Payment for Health Care Services

The Gig Economy: The Precariat in a Climate Precarious World
Alarming Levels of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Water near Bangladesh Garment Factories
‘They Stole Our Jobs and Life’: Anger and Desperation in India’s Coal Belt
Rotten Bananas in a Scorching India Expose Climate's Food Cost

India: Delhi Heat Wave Has Residents Struggling
Indian Journalists Are on the Frontline in the Fight Against Election Deepfakes
Leaflet by Leaflet, a Few Aging Activists Fight India’s Tide of Bigotry
Malaysian Companies Face Renewed Calls to Address Systemic Workplace Inequalities, Make Diversity Disclosures
Malaysian Fishermen Want Govt to Crack down on Vietnamese Encroachers
Over 3 Million Hectares of Malaysian Forests at Risk of Deforestation, National Forest Cover Commitment at Risk
(monoculture plantations)

China's Rare Earth Dominance Fueled by Human Rights Abuses in Myanmar
Pakistan: Two Journalists Killed in Three Days
Feeling the Heat: Who Are the Most Vulnerable Workers Impacted by the Philippines’ Record-Breaking Heatwaves?
(gig workers)
Sri Lanka’s New Employment Bill Threat to Workers
Sri Lanka's Tea Producers Warn 70% Wage Hike Will Hit Industry
Volkswagen: Address Uyghur Forced Labor
Low Consumption, High Household Debt Take a Toll on Manufacturing Index
Rwanda Plan Puts Modern Slavery Victims at Further Risk of Exploitation, Campaigners Warn
(most commonly from Africa, Asia, Europe)
Hong Kong Charges Six People Under New National Security Law
Indonesia Broadcasting Bill Elicits Press Freedom Fears
Climate Change Added a Month’s Worth of Extra-Hot Days in Past Year

TikTok Moves to Limit Russian and Chinese Media’s Reach in Big Election Year
UNESCO Report Confirms Quality Journalism Essential for Democracy, Accountability and Civic Engagement
When Sex Is Demanded as Payment for Health Care Services

Central Europe, Russia & Central Asia
The Gig Economy: The Precariat in a Climate Precarious World
Forced Labor in Belarus in the Light of Global Assessments
Belarus: Crackdown on Human Rights Lawyers
Between Croatia and Bosnia, River Sava Forms Formidable Barrier for Migrants
Poland's New Government Continues Migrant Pushback on Belarus Border
Missing Ukrainian Journalist Turns Up in Russian Custody
Rwanda Plan Puts Modern Slavery Victims at Further Risk of Exploitation, Campaigners Warn
(most commonly from Africa, Asia, Europe)

Albania’s Roma Decry Lack of Progress on Govt’s Integration Pledge
Georgia: Protests Continue over Bill Limiting Freedom of Association
Georgian Parliament Overrides Presidential Veto of ‘Foreign Agent Bill’
Lawyer for Family of Executed Iranian Protester Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison

New Report Details Russia's Online Meddling in South Africa
Climate Change Added a Month’s Worth of Extra-Hot Days in Past Year
TikTok Moves to Limit Russian and Chinese Media’s Reach in Big Election Year
UNESCO Report Confirms Quality Journalism Essential for Democracy, Accountability and Civic Engagement
When Sex Is Demanded as Payment for Health Care Services

Middle East & North Africa
The Gig Economy: The Precariat in a Climate Precarious World
Luxury Perfumes Linked to Child Labor, BBC Finds (Egyptian workers)
Tunisia: Thousands of Migrants 'Dumped' in the Desert
Three Tunisian Pundits Arrested over Critical Remarks, Say Lawyers

‘Down with Dictatorship’: Tunisians Rally Against Gov’t Crackdown on Media
Gaza: Palestinians with Disabilities Fear Being Killed First, Says UN Committee
Kuwait, Ethiopia Seal Pact on Domestic Workers amid Shortage
Kuwait: Politician Mesaed Al-Quraifa Jailed for ‘Insulting’ Royal Family
Gay and Trans Iraqis Plagued by Threats, Violence - and Now the Law

Climate Change Added a Month’s Worth of Extra-Hot Days in Past Year
TikTok Moves to Limit Russian and Chinese Media’s Reach in Big Election Year
UNESCO Report Confirms Quality Journalism Essential for Democracy, Accountability and Civic Engagement
When Sex Is Demanded as Payment for Health Care Services
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