Don’t get me wrong – awards and accolades are great, and we’re honored to have a trophy case full of journalism prizes.
But we measure true success by the impact of our investigations. Our reporting changes lives, forces accountability from powerful people, sparks legislative reform, and equips activists and organizers with facts they need to advocate on behalf of their causes and communities.That’s the kind of impact we strive for every day – and what your support makes possible.
On the Reveal episode Hidden Confessions of the Mormon Church, with audio recordings obtained by The Associated Press, we provide an unprecedented look at the methods the Mormon church has used to keep child sexual abuse cases secret.
In March, just three months after we aired the episode, Utah’s governor signed a law allowing clergy members who learn of ongoing child abuse during a confession to report it to police without fear of legal retaliation. The former Mormon bishop at the center of the investigation also was arrested after being indicted on felony child sex abuse charges.
Thanks to the support of our listeners, readers and viewers, we have the independence and financial resources to follow important stories like this wherever they lead, no matter how long they take.
We rely on your generosity to power our work – from reporting in the field to analyzing documents and data to getting our work out to the widest audience possible through episodes of Reveal, documentary films and Mother Jones magazine.
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