News from Rep. Chip Roy


Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

I wanted to pass along my latest update on what I have been doing to fight for you, Texas’ 21st Congressional District, and our country as a whole:

We need to SAVE our elections from abuse and here’s how
The only line of defense against a non-citizen registering to vote at the DMV or welfare office, is literally a box-check that is based on the honesty of the non-citizen filling out a form. 

We need tighter and clearer voter registration security. 

Democrats say that since non-citizens voting in elections is already illegal, then it must not happen. But may I remind them that crossing the border is illegal, but it is happening en masse. 

Americans should have confidence in the integrity of their elections. That’s why I am working with my colleagues to pass HR 8281, the Safeugard American Voter Elligibility (SAVE) Act, to ensure only Americans vote in American elections. 


Americans deserve the truth
Earlier this month, two Jordanian nationals attempted to enter a Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Virginia.

I led a dozen of my Republican colleagues in sending a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding information about the potential terrorist attack.

Was the intent of the break in to gather intelligence for a future attack? Did the Jordanians intend to harm our Marines? These are questions that should be asked, and the American people deserve to have these questions answered


The International Illegitimate Court
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has placed arrest warrants on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant because of their response to the October 7th Hamas attack. 

Each nation has a sovereign right to defend its citizens from foreign attacks, and that is exactly what Israel has done. 

That’s why I am leading 63 of my colleagues in sponsoring a bill (HR 8282) to impose sanctions on the ICC. America's policy should be unquestionably clear: if the ICC goes after our allies, there will be consequences. 


Here are some other news stories about what I’ve been up to lately:
“Do you, as the director [of ATF], believe that the federal government should track ownership of firearms among the American people?”
Rep. Roy breaks down in 5 minutes the need for competition in the healthcare market  
Congressman who predicted Israel would be blamed for war crimes says real criminal is ICC 
Republicans keep up push for stronger voting law
Exclusive: Rep. Roy Offers U.S. Support as Persecuted Finnish Leader Faces Third Trial for Her Faith
Republicans Dismantle Fact-Check On Non-Citizens Registering To Vote
The House Passed A Border Solution A Year Ago, But Senate Democrats Don’t Want It 
Rep. Chip Roy Republicans must offer a bold ObamaCare alternative to put patients in control 


NEW: Roy’s Border Report 
Roy’s Border Report provides weekly updates on the chaos from the southern border crisis and its impacts on Americans.

As Biden leaves the southern border in shambles, subscribe here to receive a weekly email update on the mayhem that has occurred.


If you have any concerns that my office can help out with, please don’t hesitate to call or email through the “email me” portal on my website. If you feel so inclined, you can also just send an old-fashioned letter to my Washington or district offices.

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Chip Roy
Member of Congress

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