Increased teacher pay. More funding for public schools. A pay bump for government workers. Investments in mental health services. These are just a few of the legislative priorities Virginia Democrats in the General Assembly secured in this session’s budget.
VA Democrats are delivering on their promises. Will you chip in $5 to elect more Democrats to Congress this year so we can continue to do the same?
This budget deal couldn’t be a more perfect reminder of why elections matter. Think about it. Ahead of last year’s elections in the Commonwealth, political pundits everywhere were pretty darn sure that we were going to have a Democratic majority in the Virginia Senate and a Republican majority in the House of Delegates.
You proved them all wrong. You took to the polls and made sure that Democrats took back the House of Delegates. And thanks to you, these results speak for themselves. Rather than living under an abortion ban in the Commonwealth? We raised teacher pay. Instead of watching the GOP roll back gun safety legislation? We expanded mental health support.
But frankly, I have concerns. When you look at the latest polling, Donald Trump leads Biden in 5 of 6 battleground states. And Democrats running for Senate hold extremely narrow leads in crucial races that could decide Senate control. Sure, I’m worried, but I haven’t given up hope that we can turn this around, because Virginia is the example of what happens when we do. Look at what VA Democrats have accomplished. Think of what’s possible for our country if Democrats not only re-elected Biden, but expanded our majority in the Senate AND flipped control of the House.
Heading into this year’s elections, we must remind ourselves that this is the moment where we have to come together and recommit to our mission of electing Democrats who will focus on delivering real results—just like we did here in Virginia.
That’s why I’m personally asking for your help today. Can you chip in $5 to help me elect Democrats up and down the ballot this year?
Thank you,
Mark Warner