Hi Friend,
I know you're busy, but I need just a few minutes, and it can't
Because so much attention is on the Budget this week the Local Government (Electoral
Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment
Bill has caught us all on the hop.
The Select Committee only called for submissions on Friday.
They set the deadline
for midnight tonight.
I'm emailing because, more
than ever, we need people-power to ensure the Government holds firms
and passes the Bill to reintroduce the rights of local communities to
force Māori wards to referenda.
Friend, this was the right to local referenda on Māori wards for
local councils that Labour's Nanaia Mahuta scrapped.
The team worked late last night to create a submission tool so that
it takes just seconds for you to register your support for the Bill by
making a submission. Click
here to have your say.
Local politicians and Mayors are trying to argue that 'they know
best'. They're using the ratepayer-funded campaign group, 'Local
Government New Zealand' to fund a high-profile campaign to defeat this
Bill. And, as you'd expect, the media are playing along... See, for
example, 1News:
Exclusive: Over 50 mayors, chairs critical of Govt's Māori ward
LGNZ are working hand in glove with the Māori Party, who want
race-based 50/50-style local councils.
urging all Kiwis who, like me, believe that democracy and voting
should not make distinctions on race, to join me in submitting in
support of the Bill.
Under Mahuta's law (which is still in place), Mayors and
Councillors have sole decision-making power on whether to introduce
race-based wards. The proposed Bill would reintroduce the safeguard of
local residents having the final decision making authority.
But with the Government facing opposition, we need to ensure they
hold firm.
you take 30 seconds to submit to make clear to Parliament that this
Bill has public support?
Submissions to the Select Committee close at
11.59 pm tonight.
here to have your say, before it is too late.
It's simply not right that politicians should be able to set
the rules for how they themselves are elected – that should be a right
exercised by every one of us on equal terms. The last Government
rushed through their changes to effectively screw the scrum and ensure
Labour Party / left wing majorities on councils, up and down New
We called it out back then, and this is our chance to restore
the law so communities have the final say.

two minutes to have your say here and help us restore local
Thank you for your support.
Williams Financial Supporter and Former Board
Member New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union