###Hey all you endgamers out there,
Our upcoming midsummer mindbomb issue (*Adbusters 174*), plunges deep into the human condition.
We the children of a dark future are losing what makes us human — our time, our families, our freedom, our joy. Sacrificed in the struggle for economic survival.
And most of us have no idea how to fight back.
Tenured troublemaker or fired-up freshman, this issue will give you the codes — turn you into an effective player of the planetary endgame.
[**GET THIS MINDBOMB ISSUE**---------------------------]([link removed])
for just $5 (shipping included). Or
[**SUBSCRIBE**-------------]([link removed])
for a whole year (six issues) — we knocked off $10 from the cost to get it into as many hands as possible.
This limited offer is good until June 20th (at midnight).
[**PREORDER NOW**]([link removed])
For the wild,
**Team Adbusters**
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*Adbusters Media Foundation, 1243 West 7th Avenue,
Vancouver, BC, V6H 1B7, Canada*