More than 40 organizations call on LA City Council to pass a resolution for a permanent ceasefire

Ceasefire Now!

DSA-LA is proud to join a powerful bloc of more than 40 labor, interfaith, and community organizations calling upon the Los Angeles City Council to pass a resolution in support of an immediate permanent ceasefire, the flow of humanitarian aid into the region, and release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian detainees.

"Los Angeles is proudly a city of immigrants, many of whom came to this country fleeing violence in their home countries. Today, Palestinian Angelenos are living through every immigrant family’s nightmare: unable to help as friends and relatives in Gaza are bombed, shot, and starved by an occupying army......."


Get involved in LA's growing Palestine solidarity movement! 

Support UAW workers on strike at UCLA who are protesting unfair labor practices used against pro-palestine workers


Join the Ceasefire Phone Zap on May 30th at 6pm to pressure Los Angeles City Councilmembers to support a ceasefire resolution.


Come to the Ceasefire Postcarding event on June 7th at 6:30pm to write to community members about the importance of passing a ceasefire resolution and how they can take action.