From Kyle Lierman, When We All Vote <>
Subject Our principles for safe and accessible elections for all Americans: Are you with us?
Date April 13, 2020 2:09 PM
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TAKE ACTION: When We All Vote is committed to making our elections fair and safe. Sign our pledge right now to join us >> [link removed]


Not only is our country facing an unprecedented public health and economic crisis, but our democracy is in crisis, too. As Michelle Obama said, "No American should ever have to choose between making their voice heard at the ballot box, and keeping themselves and their families safe."

Unfortunately, that's what happened last week in Wisconsin, and we can't let it happen again.

Making voting safe and accessible nationwide is the best way we can ensure all Americans have their voices heard.

Today, When We All Vote is calling on you, and every American, to join the fight for safe, fair, and accessible elections, and we need you in this fight with us. We know what needs to be done, and around the country, leaders across the political spectrum are stepping up. But we can't leave any state or voter behind.

We all have to fight to make sure the federal government, and all state and local governments get behind these crucial steps to safeguard our democracy.


We are calling on every elected official to enact these principles:

1. Expand Access to Vote-by-Mail: Vote-by-mail could be the only safe and secure option for some Americans. States must offer multiple ways to request mail-in ballots, including online, in person, by phone, and by mail, and safe and secure options for returning ballots by expanding deadlines for mail-in ballots to be requested and returned.

2. Expand Early In-Person Voting: While all Americans should have the choice to vote by mail, it is crucial that we recognize that many people will prefer to vote in-person. We must make in-person voting as safe and available as possible. Expanded early voting will allow voters to cast their ballot a few days or sometimes weeks before Election Day.

This will help voters adhere to social distancing protocols, ensure election officials are properly prepared, and ensure those who can't vote on Election Day have an option to vote in-person. Likewise, states should adopt "vote anywhere" rules, to reduce lines at specific polling locations by letting voters vote at any polling location in their county.

3. Expand Online Voter Registration: We should not make voter registration complicated if we really want everyone to participate. Online voter registration is a safe, accessible and secure way for voters all across this country to sign up to participate in our democracy. It allows eligible voters to quickly and easily register to vote online from the comfort of their own home. Online voter registration follows the trends of conducting government business online, which helps save taxpayer dollars each election cycle while reducing errors and cleaning up their voter registration database.

Will you sign our pledge and help us fight for fair, safe, and accessible voting for all Americans? [[link removed]]

Our team is working hard to ensure that these principles are put into place now, and we can't do it without your support.

Thank you for your support and we hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy in this difficult time. We are so grateful to have you as a part of our community.


Kyle Lierman
When We All Vote

P.S. -- Want to do something right now to help support our Safe Voting Pledge? Forward this email to 3 friends and ask them to help spread the word.


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