From Lisa Blunt Rochester <[email protected]>
Subject I hope we get to talk soon
Date May 28, 2024 4:57 PM
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Lisa making calls to her supporters [[link removed]]

Can I give you a call, folks?

Since your support is so critical to helping us reach our fundraising goals, I thought it might be fun to call a few of my top supporters – that means you, folks!

Will you pitch in $25 or more to help us get back on track to reach our end-of-month goal and keep Delaware and the Senate blue? [[link removed]]

Every supporter who pitches in will be entered to receive a phone call from me to say thank you for being part of this team.

I rely on grassroots supporters like you to help us keep up our momentum and fight back against Republican attacks.

That's why I need your support today. While my self-funding opponent has written his campaign a check for nearly a million dollars, I'm counting on lots of people to make donations of $25 or $50 to get us to our goals.

So please, folks: Will you chip in $25 or more to defend this critical seat and our Democratic Senate majority? If you're lucky, you may even be getting a call from me! [[link removed]]

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

CHIP IN $25 » [[link removed]] CHIP IN $50 » [[link removed]]

CHIP IN $75 » [[link removed]] CHIP IN $100 » [[link removed]]

CHIP IN $250 » [[link removed]] CHIP IN OTHER » [[link removed]]

Thank you,


[link removed] [[link removed]]
In 2022, Mitch McConnell's personally-aligned Super PAC spent a record-breaking $205 million on Senate Races. And that number is likely to increase in 2024!
Help us make history by sending Lisa Blunt Rochester to the Senate!
Chip in a one time contribution >> [[link removed]]
Chip in a recurring contribution >> [[link removed]]
Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress
PO BOX 9767
Wilmington, DE 19810
United States [[link removed]] | [email protected] [[email protected]]
Paid for by Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress
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