| Friend,
What’s happening to my father is nothing more than a cheap attempt at ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
Instead of campaigning and spreading a beautiful message of hope and patriotism, he’s locked away in a frozen NY courtroom in front of a Radical Left “GET TRUMP” judge! I can’t believe what they’re doing to him! CORRUPT WITCH HUNT! | I know how much you support my father, and how much it hurts to see what they’re doing to such a great man. I know you’d be there for him if you could, Friend.
But since that just isn’t possible, I’ve written a big, BEAUTIFUL letter to show President Trump that millions of Americans are with him every step of the way.
Would you mind reading and co-signing it right away so I can send it off to him? | | To: President Donald Trump From: Friend,
We the American People know that the crooked LAWFARE against you is nothing but a CORRUPT WITCH HUNT for the sole purpose of ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
We know that no President, perhaps in history, has been treated this unfairly.
The treatment you have endured is a NATIONAL DISGRACE!
And according to many legal scholars, also ILLEGAL!
President Trump, we know you didn't need to run for President, but you did anyway.
They said you couldn't win, but you did.
They said you wouldn't make America great again, but you did.
All because you love the people of this great country.
At every step of the way, they tried to thwart you. Whether it was the phony Russia Russia Russia hoax, or the perfect phone call impeachment hoax, you never gave up.
You would NOT surrender, despite their blatant and very disgusting attempts to take you down.
Furthermore, we know that you are the only one standing between us and the deranged lunatics who want to hurt our country.
We know that you represent the best of America, you represent us.
I, undersigned, add my name to this open letter to you, President Trump, as you head to the courtroom to hear yet ANOTHER phony "GET TRUMP" case against you.
And further, with God on your side, I have complete and total confidence that upon beating these phony charges, you will return to the White House and restore freedom and prosperity to this land once again. | | | | Together, we can END the corrupt Witch Hunt against my father.
Thank you,
Don Jr. | | | Paid for by the NRCC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. NRCC.org | | NRCC 320 First St SE Washington, DC 20003
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